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Angela - Asgard's Assassin #04
We were on the Earth for street Marvel pleasure. We were in the Nine Worlds of Fantasy Marvel pleasure. Next: deep space, for (ER) deep space Marvel pleasure. Kieron and Margarita can resist the chance to write code from last year's amazing summer blockbuster? Hint: Rhymes with Nardians Galaxy.
All-New Hawkeye #01
22 pages | 34 мb.

Tags: All-New Hawkeye Hawkeye Kate Bishop
Kara ARCHERS back! Hawkeye returns to the brand new series featuring superstar writer Jeff Lemire in his debut Marvel and Eisner award-winning artist Ramon Perez, as they bring you a fresh perspective in the life of a loved Avenger. With Kate Bishop, his ward and trusted protГ©gГ© back to his side (not the name it will use), the team Hawkeye cast
Imperium #02
35 pages | 44.8 мb.

Tags: Imperium Joshua Dysart Doug Braithwaite
Battle for utopia continues! The second shocking chapter from the New York Times bestseller writer Joshua Dysart (Harbinger) and superstar artist Doug Braithwaite (armor Hunter)! Mental dictator, inhuman robot, mad scientist, and a killer alien super-powered terrorists are going to try and take over the world ... and you'll be rooting for them
X-O Manowar #34
34 pages | 44.9 мb.

Tags: X-O Manowar Robert Venditti Diego Bernard
ALL-NEW ARC! ALL-NEW JUMPING-ON POINT! DEAD HAND goes! He survived ENTER: NINJAK. He waged war on the planet DEATH. And now he must protect the Earth from unholy retribution ... and protocol Doomsday codenamed: dead hand! This is it ... XO Manowar ... face to face with the robot army Hellbent on the destruction of all! Blast from the New York
The Ghost Fleet #5
Von Ghastly not simply trite host on TVs obsessive cult leader of brainwash fan club obedient servants. To make matters worse, he rapped on strength, which allows him to physically touch the Spirit! Will she be able to cancel his program before he ever takes it out of the air?
Return of the Living Deadpool #02
22 pages | 30.6 мb.

Tags: Return of the Living Deadpool Deadpool Liz
The world is flooded with deadly zombies and deadly Deadpools! And Liz really find a good Deadpool from chaotic hordes? If she wants to live through the night, she has to hope so!
Nameless #02
32 pages | 50.6 мb.

Tags: Nameless Grant Morrison Chris Burnham
On the former US Moonbase, kept secret since the Cold War, scary key unlocks ancient box and made a desperate plan to save mankind from a doomsday asteroid Xibalba- but it was too late? Nightmare amplified Morrison & Burnham apocalyptic epic occult horror!
Lady Death - Apocalypse #02
Artist Marc Borstel brings the number one bad girl comics to life in an exciting new Lady Death: The Apocalypse series! Join delicious horror, as we resurrect harrowing adventures of the oldest independent femme fatale in comics. Zombie soldiers pursued under the kingdom errand their mistress, the death of the queen. After its defeat, Undead no
X-Men #25
22 pages | 29.6 мb.

Tags: X-Men Jubilee M Medusa Psylocke
As natural phenomena tear Black Rock Desert Apartments storm stuck in the depths of the earth in the midst of Racing X-Men, to find answers and save them teammate! And while some teams follow a lead that takes them in inhumane Queen Medusa, Psylocke makes an explosive opening of her own ...
Princess Leia #01
When Princess Leia Organa was captured by the Empire as a Rebel spy, she never betrayed his beliefs, even in the complete destruction of her home world of Alderaan. When it came to salvation, she grabbed his blaster and joined the fight to escape back to the Rebel Alliance and helps deal a big blow to the empire of destruction of the Death Star.
Hinterkind #16
23 pages | 31.9 мb.

Tags: Hinterkind Prosper Queen Telsche Ian Edginton
Buried under the ground in the city of ghosts, Prosper must make a difficult decision in their lives. Meanwhile, the knives, the killers move in for the Queen Telsche and Malachi, the Red Knight.
G.I. Joe v4 #6
23 pages | 36,5 мb.

Tags: G.I. Joe v4. G.I. Joe G.I. Joe comics Cobra
Elite Units of America's best prepared for counter-terrorism operations. They are the only protection against the murderous terrorist organization "Cobra".
Fables - The Wolf Among Us #13
Murder mystery deepens as Bigby and Snow dress down as mayor Ichabod Crane. Now, why he is trying to cover up the murder of Fable?
Batman '66 #55
110 pages | 37.3 мb.

Tags: Batman '66 Batman Dick Grayson Shame
[center][/center]Batman and Robin hit the dusty trail to track down the six-firing Sidewinder, shame. He went to rob a train. Can the Dynamic Duo stop it in its tracks?
My Little Pony - Friends Forever #14
All Cutie Crusaders did everything you can think of to get their Cutie marks. But there is a creature of chaos that might have some ideas that they would never think of ... discord! When our pint-sized heroine started with unpredictable trickster, the results are bound to get fancy! Ponyville will be able to survive their friendship?
Infinity Man and the Forever People #8
Infinity Man And The Forever People # 2 - the beginning of a new ongoinga friendly team cheeked enthusiasts Dan Didio and Keith Giffen, OMAC which taught only what is necessary to try to make another series of constant characters Jack Kirby. Perhaps it would be the same harmless fun that some of our commentators at the time called OMAC.
Harley Quinn #15
Harley and Poison Ivy guest star was going to save a bunch of cute puppies and kittens! What could go wrong?
Green Arrow #40
Blood will be shed when Green Arrow faces off against the assassin known as Merlyn!


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