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G.I. Joe Snake Eyes - Agent of Cobra #04
DESTRO, one of the leading investigators cobra, was captured. As metal masked Maverick will be transferred to the new prison, jailbreak triggered by none other than ... Snake Eyes! With Destro free and eyes snake cobra in check, a mission that will awaken the world of GI Joe begins!
Eternal #04
28 pages | 36,4 мb.

Tags: Eternal Gail Jensen Rathmann
In a world of clones, the future of humanity hangs in the balance. Gail and her colleagues renegades attacked holding pen of the few non clone people in the city. New life has sent its officials, including hard as nails Rathmann, who are ready for a rematch with Gail.
Epochalypse #05
29 pages | 38.1 мb.

Tags: Epochalypse Dr. Tomorrow Officer Johannes
When the mysterious phenomenon of space-time is 600 years of human history to collapse in the same epoch, the society of the past, present and future, are forced to coexist in a dark civilization. During the investigation a secret field hospital, hidden deep in the cave, Johannes and his officers to detect unhealthy dose of futuristic smuggling.
Thor #07
23 pages | 42.4 мb.

Tags: Thor Destroyer Freya
BATTLE FOR hammer rages on! Here, all the new THOR VS.Bezostanovochnoy machine of death and destruction that ... destroyer. MOST Verily, 'tis "Nuff said.

Thor #07 (2015)

Publisher: Marvel
Spawn #251
30 pages | 41.6 мb.

Tags: Spawn Birch Spawn (Simmons)
After repeated administration of Al Simmons SPAWN: Resurrection # 1, we delve into Spawns time away, the mystery of the word "chaos", and birch, a veteran warrior who is clearly more than he seems. As the city revolves around him, caviar unlikely beacon of hope in the darkness.
Reyn #04
31 pages | 42 мb.

Tags: Reyn Seph Kel Symons
Reyn and Seph infiltrate the Venn stronghold hidden in the Rift.

Reyn #04 (2015)

Publisher: Other
Behemoth #01
25 pages | 34.5 мb.

Tags: Theresa Behemoth Chris Kipiniak
Teresa awoke to find herself changes into a monster. She took from her family and placed in an internment camp with other children going through the same thing. It is given a choice: she can surrender to become mindless beast, or join Behemoth, a pack of creatures are trained to kill for the US government. But what choice to make it more monster?
Unity #17
30 pages | 39.5 мb.

Tags: Unity Livewire Matt Kindt
"Homefront" reaches a critical mass, as Livewire assumes deadly solo mission for the future of unity! Faced with the most difficult battle of his life, unity struggling to hang on. Livewire, the de facto leader of the team, can barely hold together his life ... it can drive a group of lethal warriors? And if she is not able to ... the price will
The Fade Out #05
Was covered up the murder? Or movie star to commit suicide? And as the show go off the ground and starring unfinished film? Brubaker & Phillips new crime noir masterpiece has just begun! Remember, every month Fade Out is the exclusive end of the article, which is available only in certain issues.
Superior Iron Man #07
While the wealth and influence of Stark grows worldwide, this could still be kept in the final betrayal. One of the closest friends of Tony works against him. It can be seen that it becomes and it is determined to prevent it from sliding further. Superior Iron Man could end up in the hands of ... Pepper Potts!
Spider-Man & The X-Men #05
Tour! Spider-Man and the X-children burst into space to remove Deathbird Brood-Symbiote Imperium! Glob Herman finest hour! And the identity of the Mole revealed! Maybe we should bring it!
The Sixth Gun - Dust To Dust #02
Striving Bill John Henry O to save the life of his daughter continues. There are powerful forces in the world ... the forces that could avert the very hand of death. Billy John wants to save a man's life, he holds most dear, he'll need to capture these powers ... like the legendary fourth Gun ... for yourself.
Revival #29
Everything changes in the blink of an eye. Mysteries revealed
Ms. Marvel #14
24 pages | 49.5 мb.

Tags: Ms. Marvel Jamir Khan Kamala Khan Kamran
There's a new kid in town ... and he's cute. What kind of feelings, Kamal Khan? This is called crush.
Bloodshot Reborn #01
36 pages | 53.3 мb.

Tags: Bloodshot Reborn Bloodshot Jeff Lemire
From the New York Times bestseller, writer Jeff Lemire (Valiant, green arrow) and a red-hot rising star Mico Suayan (Harbinger, Moon Knight), VALIANT NEXT delivers all-new ongoing series for the most implacable hero Valiant! Bloodshot nanites made him nearly unstoppable killing machine. His enhanced strength, speed, endurance, and healing made him
Capture Creatures #03
23 pages | 36.5 мb.

Tags: Capture Creatures Frank Gibson Becky Dreistadt
When the 151 creatures appear on the ground with all the different countries, the wild powers it up to two teenagers to figure out where they came from and how to keep them from a world that does not understand them ... all having a lot of fun in the process! This is the second edition of Becky & Frank highly anticipated original series!
My Little Pony - FIENDship is Magic – Sirens #3
Literary madness continues Bookworm digs deeper into favorite books pony! As more stories come to life, our only chance to save the day pony have to write their own version of a fairy tale! Their cooperation can get on the same page? Read on!
DC week - The New 52 (15.04.2015, week 15)
Collection DC Comics for 15.04.2015 (15 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Convergence #2 2. Convergence Aquaman #1 3. Convergence Batman Shadow Of The Bat #1 4. Convergence Catwoman #1 5. Convergence Green Arrow #1 6. Convergence Green Lantern Parallax #1 7. Convergence Justice League International #1 8. Convergence Suicide Squad #1
2000AD #1926
31 pages | 42 мb.

Tags: 2000AD 2000AD comics
The Transformers #40
Upon its ending, it was replaced by two ongoing series, Robots in Disguise and More Than Meets The Eye, which pick up directly from here. These are the final days of the civil war that has ravaged Cybertron and countless other worlds. The fighting will end and one side, Autobot or Decepticon, will come out on top.
The October Faction #06
Jeff sick and tired of a certain robot the threat of harassment and threatening his sister father, so the two have a fight with the total scores. Meanwhile, Lucas reveals a terrible secret of his former partner, and an old enemy of the family Allan returned from the dead!
Strange Sports Stories #02
Talented comics, including some made their debut dizziness, take on the classic DC Comics anthology title to the four questions of strange, scary, sexy and sensational sports news. Due to the history and art of Brian Azzarello, CM Punk, Paul Pope, Gilbert Hernandez, Lauren Beukes, Ben McCool, Ivan Brandon, Monica Gallagher, Lee Loughridge, Nick
Star Trek #44
The all-new five-year mission of the enterprise continues as Captain Tiberius Kirk Jane and her team are faced with a never before seen the enemy in deep space! Wait ... Jane Kirk? What's going on? All will be revealed in the first chapter of this new two-part stories controlled STAR TREK writer / producer Roberto Orci!


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