The new chapter that brings the horror and madness Moon Knight to new heights! Mysterious wolves threaten night in New York, and it's up to Mr. night to figure it all out.
The team is in retreat, all hope seemingly lost and betrayed in their environment may have shown his hand. This is to Chung-Bai to see the true nature of his situation before it is too late.
Baron Blood against Captain America, Hydra won the war and atrocities Zemo before. Sam Wilson earn their stripes - single greatest sacrifices in their lives - and it will never be the same. End of the first story arc that forms the basis for the next century Hydra.
"ICONS infinite Infinite EPIC," Part Two Monster Mashers, Senior evil, and now deadly demons ... Everyone invited to fight at the end of it all! This issue is the first of two connecting covers heytfolda Edwin Huang & Jeff "Chamba" Cruz. Get this issue in the coming months to put together the ultimate battle Skullkickers view!
BOOM! The first arc of "Rumble" comes to an end with an even more amazing things, some headbusting, cool monster ritual, and fire! And-I !! - Another big surprise! The end of the arc, of course, but start really strange kind of war!
Spider Man is trapped in the grip of one of the greatest enemies of X-Men! All betrayals, deceptions and misunderstandings revealed! And shopping center gets completely destroyed! So why not?
"Runs Red" The biggest battle in the history of land continues ... Dark Templar, Maeven, rats, Bat, cat, weasel, owl and snake wage war for control of the city ... and the very fate of Shadow time!
"ARC travelogue" The end is the beginning of the end ... It is unlikely partners meeting away from SHIELD Helicarrier. Mileage Secret Avengers is coming to its natural end. Prepare scarves.
Someone was gun-running magic weapon in the Marvel Universe - and now SHIELD is under siege mysterious threat that can not be cataloged or announcement - and against which the super-science shield useless! Guest-Starring The Scarlet Witch!
Being changed. Bahdoon combined with the only surviving vessel to avoid, as more crew members begin to see the twisted version of his dreams. Pirate leader not sure who wants to kill more: Monster or Bahdoon?
FINAL ISSUE! Time is over! In April this year, The Avengers Illuminati and face down his last hours. Clock is winding down and the final raid on us. Superstar writer Jonathan Hykman with blockbuster artists Mike Deodato and Kev Walker to bring about an epic saga Avengers, yllyumynatov and Marvel universe on the brink of extinction. Invasion of
As the herd closer to the discovery of the truth about his past, they find themselves in unfamiliar territory, New York! With Eraser close on the heels of their past can catch up their future, and destroy it! And where is that mysterious voice in my head Max come?
Mark and Eve take their daughter trauma center on an alien planet ... all kinds of troubles. How long will make family life be allowed to continue? The problem is brewing far away.
The most controversial Fantastic Four story ends in the extra dimension Special offer! Fantastic Four will win the Pacific people and damaged power Heroes Reborn universe? Johnny will get his powers back? Reed and Sue will be a family again? Will this end or it will 4ever ?!
Kieron Hyllen continues to set the story crossed twice. Modern day flash and unprecedented outbreak in the original ancient past! As frightening megafauna and giant reptiles threatened every step, witnessed extinction at the hands of man smiling monsters in this cruel and terrible primitive world. There is no help, no hope. There is only crossed.
The secret prisoner may call girls Kama need if they hope to survive the future Deathmatch. Series co VALENTINA DE Landro (X-Factor) returns KELLY SUE DeCONNICK (quite deadly, Captain Marvel) on art.
FINAL ISSUE! Time is over! In April this year, The Avengers Illuminati and face down his last hours. Clock is winding down and the final raid on us. Superstar writer Jonathan Hykman with blockbuster artists Mike Deodato and Kev Walker to bring about an epic saga Avengers, yllyumynatov and Marvel universe on the brink of extinction. Invasion of
When the devil escapes from hell, he takes possession of the unfortunate death. When this happens, the death soul is cast in an infinite number of Hell. To the unclean spirit to be cast out, the lost soul should be obtained from hell. That's where the team comes in Orpheus, vryvayuchys to hell and breaking of lost souls!
Although long past its mystery, supernatural bounty hunter John Tower, finally reveals his terrible past his unofficial counterpart, FBI agent Alicia Hardwick. The tower must collect three mystical objects to release him from a miserable curse. While the tower went to Vermont to match themselves against vile creatures couple endangered locals
Twice the size of last issue, 44 pages of story! War down to the Rio Rojo. With the robot soldiers of the Republic of Galaxy, filling the sky and the Beast Galactic Republic guards flooded the streets missiles in the fight of his life. Zeta have to reverse the situation and use their skills to finish this thing once and for all.
Rest in peace. Quantum and Woody! Conspiracy exposed! Plotters ripped off! Potential Slayers get thoroughly beat! Is there anything Quantum and Woody can not do? But how to get the rhythm, they discover the hard way that their lives will never be the same. Not least because, ... UH-Ohhhhh, GOAAAAAAT !!
SUPERNATURAL SENSATION image continues! Ayane and Nokaido against growing supernatural powers, raised in Tokyo, but they are on the right side of the conflict?