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Pathfinder - Origins #04
The sadistic earth Nidal God reign of torture and terror of life. When martial arts Sajjan monitors his lost sister at the estate twisted noble, he has no choice but to break in, and who better to help him than a convicted robber Merisiel? Together, the two enter into a house of horrors, only to discover that getting in is easy, it becomes once
Mythic #01
30 pages | 83.7 мb.

Tags: Mythic Cassandra Nate Jayadarma Waterson
Special introductory price of $ 1.99! Science lies opiates for mass.Pravda magic makes the world go 'round. And when the magic breaks, MYTHIC fix it. Apache shaman Waterson, immortal Greek Cassandra, and a cell phone salesman Nate Jayadarma crack field teams are assigned to maintaining the transmission in the supernatural world transformation, and
My Little Pony - Friends Forever #16
When Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon see these unpleasant empty barrels, Cutie Mark Crusaders threaten to win the competition of school, they decide to go all out to make sure that the best ponies win! (As for yourself, of course!)
Mother Russia #01
36 pages | 26.4 мb.

Tags: Mother Russia Zombies Jeff McComsey
Stalingrad. One child in 1943. One rifle. Two million zombi.Sovetsky sniper risking their lives to protect what she had not seen for a long time: a perfectly healthy two-year-old boy, who had just came right in the middle of a zombie apocalypse.
Mortal Kombat X #20
Desperate to his throne intact Kotal Kahn makes unthinkable ... and turns into a Black Dragon to support against the Shokan. Meanwhile, General Reiko is visiting Jax!
Godzilla Rulers Of Earth Vol.4 (TPB)
106 pages | 151.8 мb.

Tags: Godzilla Rulers Of Earth Anguirus Gaira Godzilla Sanda
While the disappearance of Godzilla brought calm planet, the threat from the past is set to revive and restore peace once had control over. No monster is safe and there is no future identified as one of the greatest enemies of Godzilla is preparing to return. Collects issues # 13-16.
Godzilla Rulers Of Earth Vol.3 (TPB)
With a lot of monsters that live in the present, a new home, the world seems to be coming down to Earth. Little does humanity realize that the greatest danger now lies beneath the waves. All leads to the most disastrous battle monster ages!
Godzilla Rulers Of Earth Vol.2 (TPB)
As Lucy and her team embark on their first job, more monsters are set at liberty the alien onslaught begins, and the arrival of a mysterious robot changing the size leads to all-out battle giant monster. Collects Godzilla: Rulers of the Earth # 5-8.
Five Ghosts Special #01
Explore the mythology of the five ghosts with a beautiful paint stories of SM VIDAURRI (Jim Henson's The Storyteller: Witch Iron: Or, after the war) with the participation of knights, demons, witches and Dreamstone! And in a special reserve of history, Frank J. Barbiere Fabian is one of the most exciting literary theft ever!
Copperhead #07
33 pages | 47.3 мb.

Tags: Copperhead Clara Bronson Thaddeus Luken
Clara Sheriff Bronson goes on a date with a beautiful school teacher Thaddeus Luken, not suspecting that a gang of vicious criminals headed straight Copperhead.
Chrononauts #03
From ancient Rome to the Roaring Twenties 1980s music scene, Corbin and Danny- the world's first time-travelers still wreak havoc with the flow of time, and to get more jokes with some of the most famous figures in the history! All this is happening while the world-and their bosses, look!
Captain Canuck #00
Canadian captain is a hero born in battle tested in the war, and given the choice to use their incredible abilities and advanced technology that could change the fate of the world. Tom Evans, a bold, but is concerned about the Canadian soldiers. When he and his brother Michael to get superpowers by an alien artifact, they both have to work
Bongo Comics Free-For-All!
Get in line for free all day, four-color comic book giveaway of the year! When Bart brings one of the latest discoveries of Professor Frink to school, it leads to some horrific spree Then Lisa finds the door to the ancient past, the CLS gets hip -New girlfriend, and Homer tries his hand at some home improvement. And much more.
Bob's Burgers, Free Comic Book Day 2015
Bob's Burgers hit TV show created by Loren Bouchard, is now a comic! Belcher family - parents, Bob and Linda, and their children, Tina, Gene and Louise - appear in this special Free Comic Book Day edition that collects the "Best Of" in-canon stories of the first in the history of Bob's Burgers dynamite in the comic book series. Thrill friend
Bloodshot - Deluxe Edition - Book One
The oversized, deluxe hardcover collection of the first year of fierce bloodshot in the Valiant Universe! not the first suicide-holds-barred run in heated skirmishes in the harbinger of war, indestructible, Nanite increased commando seeker begins the quest for long-lost response to its origin in this prestigious collection size known writer Duane
Batman - The Jiro Kuwata Batmanga #46
Escaped convict Ferris refuge in a cave, only to stumble upon a strange substance, transforms him into Clayface!
Armor Hunters - Bloodshot
Hunters began in game! With the major capitals of the Earth under siege armor hunters, the world's most dangerous weapons decided to come in from the cold - in the service of a top-secret military extraterrestrial intelligence Outpost (MERO)! But when one of their own stages armor extraterrestrial hunters jailbreak inside the fortified command
Aero Girl #02
25 pages | 33.6 мb.

Tags: Aero Girl Aero-Girl DeWayne Feenstra
Jacqueline McKenzie, the daughter of a prominent character Foxbay, was coming into its own as a sidekick when her world was destroyed. Now, racked with guilt, she must choose between the responsibility to protect the city and its mother that no longer wants it to be a hero. Fortunately, it will not be faced with this dilemma alone ...
96 pages | 41.7 мb.

Tags: Veils Veils comics vertigo

Veils (1999)

Publisher: Vertigo


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