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The Cavalry - S.H.I.E.L.D. 50th Anniversary #01
Discover the explosive secrets that are hiding in Agent May's past! When Agent May leads a team of new recruits on a training mission, will she be able to save the day when everything goes wrong? Did someone say "cyber wolves"?
S.H.I.E.L.D. #10
Howard the Duck side by side with SHIELD! Why a duck? Because Coulson knows a secret about Howard that could save the multiverse!
Inferno #05
Darkchild's Demon Horde, The Goblin Court and Sinister's Boom Clones all battle for power! Who will rule the new Inferno?! The city is lost, but can Colossus defeat the Darkchild in single combat? Illyana's soul hangs in the balance!
The Sandman - Overture #06
The epic story of the origin of The Sandman continues in the second issue of the new series by the superstar team of Neil Gaiman writer and artist JH Williams III! In what part of the dream Daniel Mad Hettie and Morpheus reveals why he was summoned, and he was called to do.
Hail Hydra #03
Nomad stands his ground; the teachings of Steve Rogers endure. With the world crashing down on top of him, Ian Rogers struggles to get home. Who is Poison and why is she willing to help Nomad?
E Is For Extinction #04
CYCLOPS and his OLD - ahem, CLASSIC - X-MEN continue to resist the idea that they are outclassed in every way by MAGNETO and his newer, younger, and more attractive team of X-MEN.
Captain America - White #02
BULLETS! BOMBS! EXPLOSIVE REVELATIONS! CAPTAIN AMERICA AND BUCKY are ready to lead the HOWLING COMMANDOS, but are the HOWLING COMMANDOS ready to follow? Things go from bad to worse and only Bucky can save the day! Will a shocking appearance from an old ally turn the tide of battle?
Dirk Gently's Holistic Detective Agency #04
Holistic Detective Dirk looks for a connection between a copycat killer Killers and reincarnated Egyptian vampires, trying to survive a crazy party bus through its new sanctuary of San Diego ...
Conan the Avenger #18
25 pages | 41.1 мb.

Tags: Conan the Avenger Conan Natala
Conan Natala and must fight for his life in the city of the damned eternal dreamers, Xuthal! When they separated, Conan is an army of fanatics and Natala must defend themselves from the butchers and animals! Can they escape the city alive? An exciting conclusion this futuristic arc! Adapted from the original story "Xuthal Twilight"!
Batman '66 #70
Batman pursues the Riddler in the fight scene where Prince puzzles powerful backing masked wrestler by the name of Bane! Caped Crusader will meet his match in the ring?
American Vampire – Second Cycle #10
America since "dry" law. History confronts two characters - a young, aspiring actress Pearl Jones and former robber and murderer Skinner Sweet. It would seem that they may have in common? But overall they have what they both were attacked by creatures of the night. The first issue covered the background characters, which in the future will have to
Injustice - Gods Among Us - Year Four #22
While Superman is away from Earth, world leaders debate how to deal with the tyranny of the Gods of Olympus.
The Transformers - More Than Meets the Eye #45
CYBERTRON FALLS! Monstrous NECROTITAN ruining the world-but if there's anyone left to save it? Meanwhile, in deep space, Ultra Magnus and the crew lost LIGHT struggle to understand what they find in the depths of the sea of scarlet!
Superman #44
27 pages | 38.6 мb.

Tags: Superman Superman new comic Superman
Superman is a fighter against the perpetrators. He is the representative of an alien civilization. His planet Krypton (Krypton) exploded, but the child had to put in a capsule and sent into space. In the end, he was on the earth. Superman wearing tights red and blue colors and with a huge letter chest. No weapon he was not scared. It can only kill

Superman #44 (2015)

Publisher: DC
Rick and Morty #06
Stars hit the [Adult Swim] continue to show his first comic epic adventures in the second part of "The Wubba Lubba Dub Dub Wall Street"! Trapped in the winding maze of their own design Rica, Morty desperately seeking escape, Rick desperately seeking his cache of booze. Meanwhile, the rest of the family is trying to figure out what to do with the


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