New comics
Wonder Woman #45
25 pages | 35.5 мb.

Tags: Wonder Woman Donna Troy Eris Nikos Aegeus
Wonder Woman is on the trail of Donna Troy, who are seeking asylum in London, Diana and her past. But the new one can be more trouble than help in fleeing Amazon outcast!
Secret Six #07
What is the secret? In fact, there are more than one and answers shown here. The true identity of Mockingbird was just one of the secrets, and it's not even the most shocking. Plus: Marriage, that should not happen is offered. The man you thought was long gone profits. And at least one of the six is not the person you think they are. (Well, it's a
Gotham Academy #11
If you thought getting detention was a pain, just wait until you see the prison Gotham Academy-style!
Doomed #05
19 pages | 31.8 мb.

Tags: Doomed Aunt Belle Reiser Wonder Girl
It's a miracle girl vs the doom on the streets of Metropolis! Raiser just an ordinary, everyday teenager who turns into a huge, poisonous doom monster ... But all that flips when he gets the chance to meet his big crush ... only problem is, the idea of the Wonder Girls "crush" is a hit doomed pointless!

Doomed #05 (2015)

Publisher: DC
Doctor Fate #05
Life becomes more difficult for the new Dr. Fate. Now, the ancient god wants to destroy it, the mystical flood threatened to drown, and the riddle of the Sphinx eludes him. Furthermore, homework.
Black Canary #5
24 pages | 28.4 мb.

Tags: Black Canary Black Canary comics Canary
The original Black Canary does not possess any superpowers, but was extremely proficient in judo, acting skills and reincarnation. Her costume consisted of a blond wig, fishnet stockings, pirate boots, bustiers and jackets unbuttoned. Initially, she also wore a domino mask, but then this element has been dropped. Black Canary joined the Justice
Bizarro #05
Cigam! See you on-Zatanna to meet your match in magic spells backwards when Bizarro and Jimmy break up your act in Branson, Missouri!

Bizarro #05 (2015)

Publisher: DC
Batman Arkham Knight Genesis #3
The Arkham Knight is getting his own origin story. After the release of the already-a-hit game in June, DC Comics is following up their digital-first tie-in series with a six-issue mini-series in print. The comic, written by Peter J. Tomasi and with art from Alison Borges (with a main cover by Stjepan Sejic), will tell the secret origin of the
Justice League #45
FOREVER EVIL tie-in! With the Justice League still missing almost not working Cyborg will need help if he is going to take down a criminal syndicate! To do this, he must find a physician Magnus!
Green Lantern The Lost Army  #5
Imagine waking up in a strange place where you didn’t recognize anything, and everyone you knew and loved was nowhere to be found. Now imagine that you are a Green Lantern. The rest of the Corps is missing, you don’t know where you are and there’s not a Power Battery to be found for as far as your ring can scan. Where are you? How did you
Livewires #1-6 Complete
6 issues pages | 64.4 мb.

Tags: Livewires Cornfed Hollowpoint Ninja Gothic Lolita
Hollowpoint Ninja. Gothic Lolita. Cornfed. Stem Cell. Social Butterfly. They’re nanobuilt humanform combat mecha, with "smartware" bodies specialized for covert ops and Artificially Intelligent minds programmed for suicidal loyalty. They’re the superhuman products of a top-secret, quasi-governmental R&D program with a unique agenda: namely, to
Li'l Pals #1-5 Complete
5 issues pages | 165.6 мb.

Tags: Li'l Pals
Li'l Kids #1-12 Complete
12 issues pages | 281.4 мb.

Tags: Li'l Kids


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