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Starlight Vol.1 - The Return of Duke McQueen
Forty years ago, Duke McQueen was the space hero who saved the universe. But then he came back home, got married, had kids, and grew old. Now his children have left and his wife has passed away, leaving him alone with nothing except his memories...until a call comes from a distant world asking him back for his final and greatest adventure.
Revenger is Trapped
49 pages | 33.4 мb.

Tags: Revenger is Trapped Charles Forsman Revenger
In this 42-page one-shot, Revenger is trappe
Revenger #05
29 pages | 33.4 мb.

Tags: Revenger Mr. Groan Charles Forsman
No Master The conclusion to Revenger's bloody trip to the small town of Neptune. She takes on Mr. Groan and exposes his true self. Satisfaction and bloody action guaranteed.
Red Sonja Vol.2-3 (TPB)
170 pages | 800.6 мb.

Tags: Red Sonja Red Sonja Vol.2-3 (TPB) Gail Simone
From the acclaimed creative team of Gail Simone (Birds of Prey, Batgirl) and Walter Geovani comes an all-new Red Sonja epic that will shake the She-Devil to her core! While the Hyrkanian warrior aids a small village against the ravages of a rampant parasite, she picks up the trail of the man she hates and distrusts most in the world: the last
Purgatori Vol.1 (TPB)
146 pages | 434.3 мb.

Tags: Purgatori Cremator Lucifer
Behold... Purgatori, the vampire goddess! Born a slave in ancient Alexandria, she refused the life of servitude, rising up against her masters and claiming an unnatural power as her own. In her long life, she has dined on kings and queens, and toppled countless empires across the globe... but now, she finds herself again on her knees, a slave to
Nobody Can Eat 50 Eggs Vol.4-6
3 issues pages | 132 мb.

Tags: Nobody Can Eat 50 Eggs Beast Bro Steve Steiner
Nobody Can Eat 50 Eggs #4 features 24 laugh out loud full color pages of comics and articles by Steve Steiner. Come check out Beast Bro's downfall (cover character), Bigfoot Needs Your Pants, Disasters in Genetic Engineering, Discontinued Medieval Weapons, and more! Oh... And there's some zombies too!
Lifehacks #01-02
2 issues pages | 33.9 мb.

Tags: Lifehacks Joe Macintosh Lisa Adams
Lifehacks: tricks, shortcuts, skills, or novelty methods that solve problems in an inspired or ingenious way, increasing productivity and efficiency When police detective Lisa Adams finds a hacker going through murder case files, she decides to hire him on as a consultant for the department. The hacker, Joe Macintosh's calculated nature helps him
Lady S. #05 - Portuguese Medley
51 pages | 31.7 мb.

Tags: Lady S. Abel Rivkas Jean Van Hamme
Shania, back in Europe after being expelled from the United States, has resumed her work with Orion and his shadowy organisation. Undercover as an interpreter at the European Parliament in Strasbourg, she is tasked with getting close to an extremist suspected of preparing a terrorist attack. The whole mission spirals out of control when she rushes
I.R.$. #06 - The Black Gold War
51 pages | 25.2 мb.

Larry B. Max is an unusual specialist from a little-known branch of the I.R.S. (Internal Revenue Service), the all-powerful tax-collecting agency of the United States, with every technological method at his disposal to link high finance and high crime. Is the world barrelling towards the apocalypse? Russian commandoes are positioned around Georgia
I, Vampire Vol.3 - Wave of Mutilation
A nightmare has come true in this volume collecting I, VAMPIRE #0 and 13-19: Andrew Bennett, the only good vampire, has gone very, very bad! Now it's up to Mary, Queen of Blood, to stop him. But to do that, she must find out which vampire turned him.
Escape From New York #13
It’s been 12 years, and the government still won’t leave Snake Plissken alone.
Barracuda #04 - Revolts
68 pages | 44.9 мb.

Tags: Barracuda - Revolts Barracuda Ferrango Maria Raffy
It’s chaos in Puerto Blanco. Raffy, caught red-handed with Ferrango’s wife Maria, is about to be thrown into a shark tank; the governor is toppled by a coup ... and the Spanish occupy the city after bombarding it. Amidst the blood and fire, alliances are formed and broken, betrayal follows betrayal, and the flame of resistance is kindled. Will
Tyson Hesse's Diesel #04
26 pages | 44.3 мb.

Tags: Tyson Hesse's Diesel Cap Wells Dee Diesel Rickets
Diesel’s powers activate the mysterious flying engine, sending her into the trash-strewn expanse below the clouds known as The Wasteland.
The Covenant #05
32 pages | 69.8 мb.

Tags: The Covenant Samuel
THE PITS OF DAGON!! An invasion to the Philistine Capitol goes horribly wrong for Samuel and his dutiful men.


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