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The Auteur - Sister Bambi #05
This is it, the final issue of Sister Bambi! Who will live?! Who will DIE?! Hint: EVERYONE DIES! Sister Bambi is in flames! Is it even a film? What's the meaning of life? All this will be explained! (or not...) Prepare yourself for the greatest achievement in comics history! No, SCRATCH that - the greatest achievement in HUMAN history! SPLAT'S
Blood Feud #02
25 pages | 41.9 мb.

Tags: Blood Feud Cullen Bunn
I've got a story to tell-a story about how me and a couple of poker buddies squared off against the very legions of Hell ... and maybe even saved the world. Like all good yarns, this one has its share of action, adventure, mystery, and romance. As for how it ends, though, you'll have to judge for yourself. Me, I've always been partial to happy
Elk's Run - 10th Anniversary Edition
The small town of Elk’s Ridge was founded as a closed haven, dreamt up by Vietnam veterans looking to create a utopia: a home without violence, chaos, or corruption. And in the beginning, it seemed like it might actually work. However, years later, the town has become a powder keg. When a desperate bid for freedom results in the accidental death
68 pages | 110.5 мb.

Tags: Peng Peng comics Oni Press

Peng (2005)

Publisher: Oni Press
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