New comics
Marvel Masterworks - Doctor Strange Vol.2
Time to toss out that rabbits foot at last, True Believer! After thirteen years around the cauldron your luck has paid off; Marvel are conjuring up a sensational second Doctor Strange Masterworks. Featuring the mind-blowing ocular occult of Steve Ditko teamed with Stan "The Man" Lee; youll want to make sure you nail down your Ouija board before
Fantastic Four Unstable Molecules #1-4 Complete
This series re-imagines the Fantastic Four as normal people in the early 1960's who merely inspire some young comic book writers to create their superheroic versions. This acclaimed series was written by acclaimed and award winning indie creator James Sturm (The Golem's Mighty Swing) and was illustrated by Guy Davis (BPRD, The Marquis).
Marvel Masterworks - Doctor Strange Vol.1
Master of the Mystic Arts, a sorcerer supreme, a white knight who wields black magic against blacker villains. Doctor Strange is mankind's only hope against the dark otherworldly forces that conspire to steal the life of the conscious world - forces such as Baron Mordo, the Dread Dormammu, Nightmare, Aggamon, The House of Shadows, Loki, the
Guardians of the Galaxy Infinite Comic #01-04
Marvel's cutting-edge Infinite Comics are back and this time it's the Guardians of the Galaxy that get the infinite digital treatment! Prepare to take to the spaceways with a reading experience like no other! Drax is attacked by a Rigellian named Sacino in a space bar. He fights her and her team until they are defeated. After the fight, Peter
Avengers vs. X-Men Infinite Comic #10.5
Witness the future of comics in this digital tie-in to Avengers vs. X-Men! With the Avengers hopes of victory at their bleakest, Iron Man, Beast and the Scarlet Witch strategize and run simulations to see if there is any way they can take out Phoenix-powered X-Men.
Avengers vs. X-Men Infinite Comic #06.5
Cyclops takes some time to reflect on his newly gained power just as the second act of AVENGERS VS. X-MEN is about to begin. Avengers Vs. X-men Infinite issue 2 could be found through the code within the printed copy of Avengers VS. X-Men #6.
Avengers vs. X-Men Infinite Comic #01.5
In the prologue to the Avengers vs. X-Men event, the new Nova, Sam Alexander, races to Earth to warn the planet's heroes of the coming Phoenix Force. Avengers Vs. X-men Infinite issue 1 could be found through the code within the printed copy of Avengers VS. X-Men #1
Man-Thing by Steve Gerber - The Complete Collection Vol.1
Marvel's melancholy muck-monster, by the man who knows him best! With the Nexus of All Realities as the ultimate staging post, prepare for the wildest journeys of your life in this first volume of a complete collection of Steve Gerber's Man-Thing tales! Join the most startling swamp-creature of all in encounters with the Thing, sorcerers Dakimh
Fantastic Five #1-5 Complete
5 issues pages | 103.2 мb.

Tags: Fantastic Five Angel Franklin Richards Invisible Woman
Not only does our done-in-one epic feature a quick recap of the FF's origin and career, but we also introduce the new Fantastic Five when The Human Torch, The Thing, Ms. Fantastic, Psilord and Big Brain battle a mysterious enemy! While we can't promise to answer all of your questions about what happened to the original FF, we do modestly predict
Excalibur XX Crossing #1
An overconfident assassin-for-hire plays a virtual arena with the members of Excalibur and the original X-Men. One-to-One, who will win the match? And who's behind all the mess that our heroes have to face?
Epic Lite #1
51 pages | 20.2 мb.

Tags: Epic Lite
Epic #1-4 Complete
4 issues pages | 56.8 мb.

Tags: Epic Cholly Flytrap
Ender's Shadow Battle School #1-5 Complete
5 issues pages | 62.1 мb.

Tags: Ender's Shadow Battle School Cory Petit David Gabriel Bean
A mysterious orphan on the streets of Rotterdam, no bigger than a bean, will change the world. There’s only one student at Battle School smarter than Ender Wiggin—Bean.
Elfquest  #1-32 Complete
32 issues pages | 677.5 мb.

Tags: Elfquest Clearbrook Dart Greymung
The Epic ElfQuest issues are reprints of the original series published by WaRP Graphics. The original series was 36 pages per issue and the Epic series 22, requiring new pages to be added to nearly every issue to aid the transitions. It is the story of how Cutter Kinseeker brings his Wolfriding tribe through the desert, caves, mountain to unite

Marvel comics

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