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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Vol.13 - Vengeance, Part 2
The Turtles return from Burnow Island to find unimaginable tragedy. As the family struggles to cope with these events, an enraged Foot Clan prepares its revenge. Meanwhile, Casey prepares for a final showdown with Hun as the Purple Dragons run amok. And, as the TMNT struggle to reunite as a family, a greater threat looms. Collects issues #45–47
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Vol.12 - Vengeance, Part 1
The Turtles return from Burnow Island to find unimaginable tragedy. As the family struggles to cope with these events, an enraged Foot Clan prepares its revenge. Meanwhile, Casey prepares for a final showdown with Hun as the Purple Dragons run amok. And, as the TMNT struggle to reunite as a family, a greater threat looms. Collects issues #45–47
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Vol.11 - Attack On Technodrome
Time is short as Krang accelerates his plan to terraform the Earth, which will kill all who live on it! A surprise alliance results in a daring plan—and the stakes have never been higher! Collects issues #41–44.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Vol.10 - New Mutant Order
Shredder and Kraang finally meet up but will they be able to overcome their differences and join forces? Meanwhile, Old Hob has perfected the art of making mutants! With the ranks of his mutant gang swelling, the Turtles will have to determine if they can truly trust Hob against the Foot. Collects issues #37 – 40.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Vol.9 - Monsters, Misfits, and Madmen
The Turtles return to New York to find a city in Shredder’s grip. Donatello seeks help from his cranky friend Harold, Raphael and Michelangelo pay a visit to Old Hob, and Leonardo and Splinter plan for a coming war.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Vol.8 - Northampton
Recovering from the events of "City Fall," the Turtles seek sanctuary in the countryside but struggle with unanswered questions and tension within the family. Each Turtle deals with the new status quo in his own way, and each feels lost. Can they find their way to being a family again as the past haunts them — and then hunts them down?
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Vol.7 - City Fall, Part 2
"City Fall" concludes as Shredder reveals his new second-in-command and launches a full-scale war on New York City! Forced to make strange alliances, the Turtles fight back against their most deadly enemy. Collects Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #25-28.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Vol.6 - City Fall, Part 1
The latest collection of the red-hot ongoing series kicks off with Kevin Eastman's solo issue #21, a prelude to the first three parts of 'City Fall.' A normal night on the town for Raphael and Casey turns deadly when the Foot Clan appears in full force. The resulting chaos is only the first step in Shredder's master plan!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Vol.5 - Krang War
He is a warlord, a genius, and a squishy pink brain. He is General Krang. One of the most signature villains in TMNT history, Krang has an arsenal and wit unlike any other and his master plan sees the TMNTs come into direct confrontation with one of their mightiest enemies!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Vol.4 - Sins of the Fathers
The forces of good and evil marshal on multiple fronts in "Sins of the Fathers." The Turtles have a new mission, but Shredder's ambitions could put an end to it before they begin. Plus, Krang unveils his master plan! How far will the Turtles go to defend themselves?
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Vol.3 - Shadows of the Past
The Turtle's home in the sewers is destroyed thanks to a sinister team-up between Baxter Stockman and Old Hob. Now that the Turtles are homeless, with one of their own captured, things have never looked bleaker for our heroes. And enter…THE SHREDDER!
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Vol.2 - Enemies Old, Enemies New
The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles begin their journey as a true team of brothers, although distance still remains between them. Meanwhile, Baxter Stockman and General Krang have largely kept in the shadows... until now. General Krang wants results and Baxter has a new invention to capture the Turtles before Krang comes to New York.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Vol.1 - Change is Constant
The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles return to comics in their first IDW adventure! The very core of the Turtles family is at stake as the new origin of TMNT is revealed! It's a different world for the Turtles... The group is broken as Raphael wanders the streets of NYC in search of food and shelter. His brothers and Master Splinter are on the search,
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Villains Micro-Series Vol.2
The Villains keep on coming! Karai, Hun, Bebop and Rocksteady, and the Shredder all get the spotlight with stories that delve into their pasts and current actions that will have major ramifications on everybody's future. Collects Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Villains Micro-Series #5-8.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles Villains Micro-Series Vol.1
Krang, Baxter Stockman, Old Hob, and Alopex all get their turn. Krang's history is revealed, Baxter's secret project may be more dangerous than he realized, Old Hob is ready to branch out on his own, and Alopex discovers a devastating truth about her past.
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Mutanimals
Old Hob, Slash, Herman the Hermit Crab, Mondo Gecko, and Pigeon Pete have become a force to be reckoned with. When someone close to the group is kidnapped, the Mutanimals end up on an adventure more wild and dangerous than they could have imagined! What mysteries lurk at…The Null Group?
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Casey and April
Casey and April take a road trip to the southwest to dig up more clues about the mysterious Pantheon that has seemingly been pulling the strings on the Turtles’ lives from the beginning. They will find even deeper mystery, unexpected danger, and start a new chapter in their relationship.
The X-Files-30 Days of Night
147 pages | 306.6 мb.

Tags: The X-Files-30 Days of Night Mulder Scully Skinner
The darkness is coming to Wainright, Alaska. A group of frozen bodies are eerily and impossibly arranged at the top of a 40-foot pole so FBI agents Fox Mulder and Dana Scully are called in to investigate. X-Files/ 30 Days of Night brings together two iconic franchises, pitting the government's best supernatural investigators against a horde of
Mickey Mouse #09
“The Chirikawa Necklace,” Part 2 of 2! Pegleg Pete’s new partner, Trudy Van Tubb, is running a brutal gangster-training school—and Mickey must turn mobster to take it down!

IDW Publishing Comics

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