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Batgirl #28
23 pages | 43.3 мb.

Tags: Batgirl new Batgirl free Batgirl Batgirl comics
Barbara Gordon, after three years in a wheelchair, has regained the ability to walk. And returned to the role Betgerl! Having lived for many years with his father, Babs finally decides to move. She will have to face a new villain, horror at the Gotham, and overcome their fears of the past.

Batgirl #28 (2014)

Publisher: DC
Justice League 3000 #3
Keith Giffen and JM Demattey reunited again, this time to write about the adventures of the League of the future. That's just Kevin Maguire instead of the promised them (and us all) slipped Howard Porter League draw Grant Morrison. So there is a doubt, but one room is certainly worth reading.
Superboy #28
They thought it was just a failed experiment. Just a mixture of human DNA and kriptontsa. But when his powers manifested, he became a deadly weapon by the name Superboy. A brand new series about Superboy starts here! Witness the amazing adventures of the Man of steel! After all, a quiet town of Smallville where harbors more secrets than it seems

Superboy #28 (214)

Publisher: DC
Green Lantern Corps #28
22 pages | 39.3 мb.

Tags: Green Lantern Corps Green Lantern Corps
Guy Gardner and John Stewart are trying to live a "normal" life, as other members of the corps. Meanwhile, someone kills the green light, to find out who is doing it to be with John Guy and their small team.
Batman #28
25 pages | 31.3 мb.

Tags: Batman Scott Snyder Greg Capullo Danny Miki
"ZERO YEAR" is all-important crossroads as Batman and Jim Gordon to try to turn the lights back on in Gotham City. This question leads directly to the final arc zero year, which starts here next month!

Batman #28 (2014)

Publisher: DC
Injustice - Gods Among Us - Year Two #3
Superman Batman seeking criminal while the Green Lantern Corps to ask Superman new World Order.
Young All-Stars (1-13 series) Complete
31 issues pages | 472.1 мb.

Tags: Young All-Stars Young All-Stars comics Young All-Stars
Complete collection comics Young All-Stars After Infinity Inc. and All-Star Squadron both got cancelled in the 80's DC replaced them with a new series, a new team of obscure WWII era characters who could be turned into a junior version of the All-Star squadron, but without on the tangled continuity of tangled, well-known JSA characters.
First Wave (1-6 series) Complete
6 issues pages | 125.5 мb.

Tags: First Wave First Wave comics First Wave
Life of former thief Lawrence Kincaid "Cade" Foster, who became a security specialist, was perfect: a beautiful wife, a good job and a comfortable home. Without his knowledge, he becomes the object of the experiment 117 gua (alien race) to test human endurance. For this experiment, his life destroyed: Frozen accounts, dismissal from work, as well
Justice League Beyond 2.0 #13
After literally changing the face of the planet, a botanist is trying to destroy the last vestiges of resistance in the world and defeat the Justice League once and for all!
Adventures of Superman #42
25 pages | 16.1 мb.

Tags: Adventures of Superman Spike Sugar Superman
When sugar and Spike need a babysitter, it looks like a job for-Clark Kent? But when an explosion at Star Labs threatens the city, Clark must find a way to balance their newfound responsibilities with its responsibility as Metropolis Man of Steel!
Beware the Batman #7
23 pages | 12.4 мb.

Tags: Beware the Batman Batman Katana Professor Pyg
As Katana goes hand in hand with some of the thugs Professor PYG, in the race to Batman Gotham Arms Hotel, to save the boy and his family!
Smallville - Alien #08
Batman was ready to attack Bane, but he is not ready to face the personality of a young man who was killed in dressed as a super hero. When Lois and Chloe join the team, things get even weirder. And Lex's decision leads to an unprecedented event for Superman!
The Vampire Diaries #11
Living in the town of bloodthirsty vampires, no one can be trusted, and nothing is what it seems. In "Day Hunter" a person gets into some unexpected guests during a typical day ... or so he thinks.
Terra Obscura Vol.2 #01-06 Complete
Mysterious spaceship appears on a collision course with Terra Obscura, bringing time anomalies appear across the planet as it approaches. Can Tom Strong and the other heroes of science to solve this mystery before it spells doom for the entire world?
Terra Obscura Vol.1 #01-06 Complete
Spinning around TOM STRONG, characters Societies Major amerikanskoy sciences Geroeva vernulisy then 30 airplane in sostoyanii anabiosis! Mogwai ones you adaptirovatysya k life in peaceful and prekrasnom novom obaedinitysya, chtobС‹ vzyaty of sebya ugrozС‹, stremyashteysya svergnuty West SoedinennС‹h Shtatov?
Red Lanterns #27
There's a new gang in town as Red Lanterns come to earth! Like the rest of the universe to respond to police their new red "jurisdiction"? And more importantly, how will react Ice, when Guy Gardner comes-Courtin '? Cover big hint!
Batman - Joker's Daughter #01
40 pages | 100.3 мb.

Tags: Batman - Joker's Daughter Batman Duela Dent
Now the daughter of the Joker? What horrors lurk in the minds of a deranged madman, and why there is more to it than meets the eye? More than just a crazy person who stumbled on the face of the Joker, is more than just a woman with a mission, the daughter of Joker sees himself as a woman on the path of greed, domination and rule over Gotham
Collection DC - The New 52 (05.02.2014, week 5)
15 issues pages | 763,1 мb.

Tags: Collection DC The New 52 Movement Stormwatch Forever Evil
Collection DC Comics for 05.02.2014 (5 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Action Comics #28 2. Batman Black And White #6 3. Batman - Joker's Daughter #1 4. Batwing #28 5. Detective Comics #28 6. Earth 2 #20 7. Forever Evil #5 8. Forever Evil Arkham War #5 9. Green Arrow #28 10. Green Lantern Red Lanterns #28 11. Looney Tunes #217 12.
Swamp Thing #28
Earth bleeds green! Millions umrut.Swamp Thing must break its very existence to the root. Seeder story ends here!
Forever Evil - Arkham War #5
Download free comics Forever Evil - Arkham War #5
Detective Comics #28
Do not miss a modern retelling of the origin of the Dark Knight's incredible team of writer Brad Meltzer and artist Bryan Hitch ! In addition, all new stories Scott Snyder and Sean Murphy, Peter J. Tomasi and Guillem March Paul Dini and Dustin Nguyen , Gregg Hurwitz and Neil Adams, new art by legendary Batman writer / artist Frank Miller and more!
Batwing #28
Africa - the land where coexist beautiful exotic and unknown horrors. It is a land of creation and destruction. And now this place ever need a hero. But who will protect justice in this cruel place, as South Africa?

Batwing #28 (2014)

Publisher: DC
Trinity Of Sin - The Phantom Stranger #16
New ongoing The Phantom Stranger, who will write Dan DiDio. By the way, if anyone knows - the protagonist of the series just otretkonili in biblical Judas, because the proverb says, "You do not know what to do - just add the Bible". Somewhere in the pages of this ongoinga expected first appearance poslerebutnoe Spectrum
Looney Tunes #217
24 pages | 47.9 мb.

Tags: Looney Tunes Looney Tunes download Looney Tunes
The plot mainly revolves around two main characters - Bugs and Daffy, who left their native forests and moved to the city. They have yet to meet with the same strange characters as Lola Bunny, Sylvester, Tweety, Porky Pig, Tina Russo and many others.

DC Comics

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