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Batman-Superman - Cross World Vol.1
The Dark Knight and The Man of Steel close friends in the modern day - but the two have not always been such close allies. In this first hardcover collection BATMAN / Superman # 1-4 and Justice League # 23.1: Darkseid, learn how these two legends meet for the first time in the New 52, as they begin a mysterious adventure that takes them into the
Superman - The Doomsday Wars (1-3 series + TPB) Complete
Superman - superhero comics, which are produced by DC Comics. He is considered an icon of American culture.
The New Adventures of Charlie Chan (1-6 series) Complete
Comic adaptions of TV shows were common in the late 1950s and June 1958 saw another hit the stands. "The New Adventures of Charlie Chan" was based on the short lived syndicated TV show, and had an equally short run itself, lasting just 6 issues. The first issue, written by John Broome and drawn by Sid Greene saw stalwart detective Charlie Chan and
Justice League Beyond 2.0 #18
As discussed whether or not the Justice League Wonder Woman is the genuine article, Diana starts telling her terrible story of Bruce and Clark.
Smallville - Lantern #09
Good luck Jon Stewart may have run out. When Superman returns to Earth to help his league, John returned to Parallax itself. Will it force will be strong enough to conquer their fears?
Dead Letters #02
25 pages | 42.5 мb.

Tags: Dead Letters Sam Whistler Christopher Sebela
After his painful first day in the city only known as "Here," Sam Whistler turns serving Greater same person entrusted to penetrate the two rival gangs warring for control of the abandoned area.
Collection DC - The New 52 (07.05.2014, week 18)
15 issues pages | 640.4 мb.

Tags: Collection DC The New 52 DC comics 0-Day Releases new dc comics
Collection DC Comics for 07.05.2014 (18 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Aquaman and the Others #2 2. Batman Eternal #5 3. Batman Superman #10 4. Batwing #31 5. Detective Comics #31 6. Earth 2 #23 7. Green Arrow #31 8. Green Lantern #31 9. Justice League 3000 #6 10. Movement #12 11. New 52 Futures End #1 12. Teen Titans Go! #7 13.
Teen Titans Annual #03
Leading to the landmark issue # 25 next month, Teen Titans continue their journey through time, as the team must confront John Lane Kent, Superboy of the future, which could one day destroy the most powerful heroes on Earth. Can Superboy Titan defeat the man he was cloned from the harvest?
Swamp Thing #31
Earth bleeds green! Millions umrut.Swamp Thing must break its very existence to the root. Seeder story ends here!
Detective Comics #31
Stunning conclusion "Gothtopia"! Batman discovers a horrifying secret of this brave new world.
Batwing #31
Africa - the land where coexist beautiful exotic and unknown horrors. It is a land of creation and destruction. And now this place ever need a hero. But who will protect justice in this cruel place, as South Africa?

Batwing #31 (2014)

Publisher: DC
The Movement #12
22 pages | 47.5 мb.

Tags: The Movement The Movement comics Movement
THE MOVEMENT centers around a group of young people with extraordinary abilities, who take matters of justice into their own hands after the corrupt local police department is exposed. But how will the rest of the world react to these teens? And with so much power at their disposal, can they really be trusted to work towards a greater good? THE
Green Arrow #31
22 pages | 40.3 мb.

Tags: Green Arrow Green Arrow Green Arrow comics
The owner of a large company "Queen Industries" Oliver Queen seems quite ordinary millionaire slacker. But few people know the opposite direction of his life. Green Arrow - a modern Robin Hood, protecting the innocent and the guilty kicking ass.
Earth 2 #23
The first issue of the monthly series from author James Robinson and artist Nicola Scott! Special guests Alan Scott and Jay Garrick, and many more! Who are the heroes of "Earth 2" and what happened to them? May think that you know the "Earth 2" ... but that 52 new items from DiSi Comics, here anything can happen! Do not miss the debut extended

Earth 2 #23 (2014)

Publisher: DC
Batman Eternal #5
First Batman Eternal series was announced during the recent Comic-Con New York, where the publisher has shared information with fans about the new project . It was stated that will oversee the ongoing directly Scott Snyder, a team of writers and artists will be changed periodically . Such a rotation is a common practice for such weekly series. On
Teen Titans Go! #7
When Starfire team signed up for the popular reality show, "Jump City Got Your Talent right here!" Robin becomes obsessed to show the world how talented these Teen Titans really are!
The New 52 – Futures End #1
Following the events Forevere Evil, closing and restarting the series publisher DC decided to move to the next phase. This new step was, proven series such as 52, Trinity, Countdoun and Brightest Day / Justice League Generation Lost, a large version of the weekly comic strip with various possible spin-off group offami writers and artists, which
Green Lantern #31
24 pages | 43.3 мb.

Tags: Green Lantern new Green Lantern Green Lantern
Guy Gardner and John Stewart are trying to live a "normal" life, as other members of the corps. Meanwhile, someone kills the green light, to find out who is doing it to be with John Guy and their small team. Find out what the outcome of the story.
Batman - Superman #10
The series is about two legendary heroes of DC Comics, in which different methods and outlook on life, but it nemenie have always been friends and allies. Superman and Batman, the heroes pridumanyh back in the 30s, have not lost their popularity in our time, stories which are always amazed and attracted more new readers ...
Trinity Of Sin - The Phantom Stranger #19
New ongoing The Phantom Stranger, who will write Dan DiDio. By the way, if anyone knows - the protagonist of the series just otretkonili in biblical Judas, because the proverb says, "You do not know what to do - just add the Bible". Somewhere in the pages of this ongoinga expected first appearance poslerebutnoe Spectrum
Justice League 3000 #6
Keith Giffen and JM Demattey reunited again, this time to write about the adventures of the League of the future. That's just Kevin Maguire instead of the promised them (and us all) slipped Howard Porter League draw Grant Morrison. So there is a doubt, but one room is certainly worth reading.
Scribblenauts Unmasked - A Crisis of Imagination #11
Trapped in the Phantom Zone, Maxwell and Lily must help Batman and Wonder Woman remember who they really are. Plus: Superman vs. General Zod!

DC Comics

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