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Sensation Comics Featuring Wonder Woman #26
Lois Lane does not "puff piece" interview, which is good, because Diana Themyscira not interested in being considered as a feather. But when they attacked the crocodile robots and aliens, the situation is really hot!
Forever Evil (TBP)
227 pages | 330 мb.

Tags: Forever Evil Forever Evil comics TPB
Preview of the first issue comic Forever Evil # 1, which will fall villainous event and will open a new mini-series of a crossover. Recall that in September declared "Month of Villains" and all current ongoingi come out with the number # 23.1 and the protagonists will be negative characters. Also start a new mini-series Forevel Evil led by Jeff
Batman - Gotham by Gaslight (TPB)
116 pages | 227,5 мb.

Earth-19 was first introduced in the alternative story "Gotham by Gaslight", where the action takes place in 1880's Victorian England in the entourage of steampunk. In this story Batman confronts Jack the Ripper and other stylized characters this time.
Twilight Zone Shadow And Substance #02
Agonizing conclusion "stumbling distance." During a trip to his past, alcoholic writer William Gaunt must decide whether he will intervene soon suicide attempt of his childhood on their own, and if he will face his monstrous mother. And if he does, then, that chaos will it apply in the future?
Aquaman #39
20 pages | 44.6 мb.

Tags: Aquaman Atlanna Gontu Harley Quinn Mera
Aquaman’s mother is alive – and she wants him dead! Welcome to the family reunion from hell!

Aquaman #39 (2015)

Publisher: DC
DC week - The New 52 (25.02.2015, week 08)
Collection DC Comics for 25.02.2015 (08 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Arkham Manor #5 2. Batman #39 3. Batman Eternal #47 4. Catwoman #39 5. Deathstroke #5 6. Earth 2 World's End #21 7. Flash #39 8. Gotham Academy #5 9. Gotham By Midnight #4 10. He-Man The Eternity War #3 11. Justice League Dark #39 12. New 52 Futures End #43 13.
The Flash #39
24 pages | 39.9 мb.

Tags: The Flash new Flash Flash The Flash comics
Flash has the ability to develop a supersonic speed and use superhuman reflexes, which violates several laws of physics. So far, there are four characters who have the ability to super speeds and performed under the name Flash: Jay Garrick, Barry Allen, Wally West and Bart Allen-2007, 2009-present). Before you put on a suit, Flash, Bart Allen and
Star Spangled War Stories - G.I.Zombie #7
23 pages | 24.9 мb.

Tags: Star Spangled War Stories G.I.Zombie
It is unlikely that the entire movement of the French Resistance fighter find attractive Mademoiselle Marie. And certainly there is not anyone more dangerous. But when she is sent behind enemy lines with a very valuable cargo for partisans (maki), Marie would have to be extremely careful, that's why they say "Keep your friends close and your
He-Man - The Eternity War #3
Are you a fan Masters of the Universe? Then He-Man: The Eternity War - the comic that you should read this December. We promise to show war that ended all wars, and judging by the cover, it seems that it will be attended by a very large number of characters.
The New 52 - Futures End #43
Power shifts recent issues placed on one person's shoulders the weight of protecting the world from the threat that destroyed StormWatch! There's no stopping from start to finish.
Gotham by Midnight #4
The series tells about Midnight Change of Gotham City Police led by Detective Jim Corrigan. This is a special unit that investigates crimes of a special type, for which not even dare to take Batman. New ongoingu significantly helped weekly Batman Eternal, in which Ray Fox and began to develop the story Corrigan, so it is logical that Batman will
Arkham Manor #5
Arkham Manor authors will screenwriter Jerry Dugan, best known for the current volumes of the series "Deadpool" and "Nova" for Marvel, and artist Shawn Crystal, which is better known as Inker and also distinguished work on Marvel, and the plot is built around the fact that the estate Waynes will be converted into a prison for loonies.
Gotham Academy #5
If you thought getting detention was a pain, just wait until you see the prison Gotham Academy-style!
Secret Origins #10
The first issue of Secret Origins will tell the story of Superman, Supergirl and Dick Grayson (also known as the first Robin, and later - the superhero Nightwing). The second issue is preparing for the fans of the comic book stories Aquaman, and Batman Starfaer.
Justice League Dark #39
Mad sorceress named Enchantress releases forces that can not cope even ordinary heroes of the Justice League. Therefore, John Constantine, Deadman, Shade and Madame Xanadu create a band Dark Justice League. This command mystical heroes will battle with evil, at the mere mention of which any person proshibet cold sweat.
Earth 2 - World's End #21
Outgunned, outnumbered and outmatched, world army, headed by Mr. Miracle and Big Barda to invade Apokolips!
Deathstroke #5
Slade Wilson was sixteen years old when he lied about his age to join the armed forces of the United States. After serving in Korea, Wilson was sent to Camp Washington, where he was promoted to Major. In the early sixties, Slade met Captain Adeline Kane, which was tasked to train young soldiers new combat techniques due to expected problems in
Sinestro #10
22 pages | 35.2 мb.

Tags: Sinestro Bekka Highfather Malhedron Orion Shadowfall
"God", Act 2, Part 5: Mission Zamaron and star sapphires gives a shocking secret about the White Lantern, but in this case, knowledge is power. It is clear that the strike on New Genesis is necessary, but without a mother Box, home of the gods forever out of reach. Sinestro, however, is not convinced and determined Sinestro can be very bad!

Sinestro #10 (2015)

Publisher: DC
Red Lanterns #39
There's a new gang in town as Red Lanterns come to earth! Like the rest of the universe to respond to police their new red "jurisdiction"? And more importantly, how will react Ice, when Guy Gardner comes-Courtin '? Cover big hint!
Catwoman #39
23 pages | 23.1 мb.

Tags: Catwoman Catwoman comics new Catwoman
She loves the night. She likes shiny trinkets. She seduces Batman. Most of all, Catwoman beckons danger. And she can not help it ...

Catwoman #39 (2015)

Publisher: DC
Batman #39
30 pages | 41.1 мb.

Tags: Batman Scott Snyder Greg Capullo Danny Miki
"ZERO YEAR" is all-important crossroads as Batman and Jim Gordon to try to turn the lights back on in Gotham City. This question leads directly to the final arc zero year, which starts here next month!

Batman #39 (2015)

Publisher: DC
Batman Eternal #47
Someone collected secret conspiracy to suppress Gotham City ... but it's not Batman! Riddler knows everything - and he'll never tell!

DC Comics

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