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Convergence – The Question #2
The new mega-crossover company DC, in which the return to life of all the best and loved the history of this company, and that means the end of the line of comics The New 52!
Convergence - The Atom #2
The new mega-crossover company DC, in which the return to life of all the best and loved the history of this company, and that means the end of the line of comics The New 52!
Convergence - Harley Quinn #2
The new mega-crossover company DC, in which the return to life of all the best and loved the history of this company, and that means the end of the line of comics The New 52!
Convergence - Batman and Robin #2
The new mega-crossover company DC, in which the return to life of all the best and loved the history of this company, and that means the end of the line of comics The New 52!
Convergence - Nightwing - Oracle #2
The new mega-crossover company DC, in which the return to life of all the best and loved the history of this company, and that means the end of the line of comics The New 52!
Convergence - Speed Force #2
The new mega-crossover company DC, in which the return to life of all the best and loved the history of this company, and that means the end of the line of comics The New 52!
Convergence - Justice League #2
In the second month, DC, that is, in April, the biggest event begins a new "convergence". It seems like a weekly series Futures End and Earth 2 World's End, which should will end in March, still lead to something big - it will be a new event Convergence, which will return the characters from the 1980s, as well as present an entirely new villain.
Convergence #5
29 pages | 46.8 мb.

Tags: Convergence Convergence comics Jeff King
In the second month, DC, that is, in April, the biggest event begins a new "convergence". It seems like a weekly series Futures End and Earth 2 World's End, which should will end in March, still lead to something big - it will be a new event Convergence, which will return the characters from the 1980s, as well as present an entirely new villain.
Convergence - Superman #2
The new mega-crossover company DC, in which the return to life of all the best and loved the history of this company, and that means the end of the line of comics The New 52!
Convergence - Batgirl #2
The new mega-crossover company DC, in which the return to life of all the best and loved the history of this company, and that means the end of the line of comics The New 52!
Batwing (0-34 series) Complete
35 issues pages | 931.1 мb.

Tags: Batwing Batwing comics Mike Marts new Batwing
Africa - the land where coexist beautiful exotic and unknown horrors. It is a land of creation and destruction. And now this place ever need a hero. But who will protect justice in this cruel place, as South Africa?
Mortal Kombat X #18
Shokan/Oni uprising is coming to an end as Kotal Kahn goes hand in hand with the king in Gorbak match monarchs!
Divergence FCBD Special Edition
The first look at the upcoming storylines! DC Comics: divergence has three 8-page preview releases for June Scott Snyder Batman and Greg Capullo, as well as Jeff Jones and Jason run Fabok in part "Darkseid war" in the Justice League with the participation of the biggest villains in the DCU - Darkseid iAnti Monitor and Gene Luen Yang DC Comics
Sensation Comics Featuring Wonder Woman #32
Compounds of Poison Ivy to Mother Earth brought her to Themyscira to fight against Typhon, but Wonder Woman take her help?
Batman - The Jiro Kuwata Batmanga #44
In the first part of "Robot Robbers," three master criminals escaped from prision and given the opportunity to use invincible robots to commit their crimes following.
Batman - Arkham Knight #11
While Batman is fighting the enemy spawn long gone, Harley Quinn and Penguin organize another surprise for Bruce Wayne!
Superman - Ending Battle (TPB)
Superman's worst nightmare became a reality. Someone discovered that he and Clark Kent same. Now all his life target for Legion of the most deadly villains Superman. Bizarro. Monhul. Elite. In the past they fought epic battles against the mighty Man of Steel. But when they attack simultaneously Superman, whose main concern is to keep their loved
He-Man - The Eternity War #5
Are you a fan Masters of the Universe? Then He-Man: The Eternity War - the comic that you should read this December. We promise to show war that ended all wars, and judging by the cover, it seems that it will be attended by a very large number of characters.
DC week - The New 52 (29.04.2015, week 17)
Collection DC Comics for 29.04.2015 (17 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Batman #40 2. Convergence #4 3. Convergence Action Comics #1 4. Convergence Blue Beetle #1 5. Convergence Booster Gold #1 6. Convergence Crime Syndicate #1 7. Convergence Detective Comics #1 8. Convergence Infinity Inc #1 9. Convergence Justice Society Of
Batman '66 #59
123 pages | 72.7 мb.

Tags: Batman '66 Batman Dick Grayson Shame
[center][/center]Batman and Robin hit the dusty trail to track down the six-firing Sidewinder, shame. He went to rob a train. Can the Dynamic Duo stop it in its tracks?
Injustice – Gods Among Us – Year Three – Annual #1
The final chapter of the year three. Differences temporarily put aside to stop the menace created Mxyzptlk and Trigon. And fate of John Constantine revealed.
The Multiversity #2
49 pages | 99.7 мb.

Tags: The Multiversity The Multiversity comics
The Multiversity - a comic that Grant Morrison conceived almost eight years ago. Once upon a time DC has announced a series and promised to release it in 2010. Ever since the publication date postponed many times, though news of progress did not stop to emerge. And now finally announced the readiness of the project. In this newsletter you will see

DC Comics

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