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Bizarro #2
25 pages | 25.5 мb.

Tags: Bizarro Bizarro comics Bizarro dc
Bizarro - a fictional character in the comic book universe of DC Comics. The character was created by writer Otto Binder and artist George Papp as the "mirror image" and Superman first appeared in Superboy # 68 ('1958'). Since there were different interpretations of Bizarro - often as Superman antagonists.

Bizarro #2 (2015)

Publisher: DC
Bat-mite #2
25 pages | 32.2 мb.

Tags: Bat-Mite Bat-Mite comics

Bat-mite #2 (2015)

Publisher: DC
Batman Beyond #2
The Adventures of Terry Mc Guinness - fearless Knight of Tomorrow - continues. Future Batman will meet with dangerous new enemies and, of course, with the bad old friends - the seductive female metamorphosis Inc., a silent killer curare, insidious Spellbaynderom psychologist, a gang of "Royal Flash" Justice League as well as the most dangerous and
Omega Men #2
27 pages | 30,5 мb.

Tags: Omega Men Omega Men comics
The Omega Men are back in an all-new series! They’ve murdered White Lantern Kyle Rayner and now, the universe wants them to pay! Who are these intergalactic criminals – and is there more to their actions than meets the eye?

Omega Men #2 (2015)

Publisher: DC
Action Comics #42
28 pages | 37.5 мb.

Tags: Action Comics Lana Lang Steel Superman Toymaster
The spread of evil supernatural forces in Smallville continues to deteriorate - and Superman is not able to stop him. Will it be a curse pollution has spread around the world?
Green Lantern #42
"Divinity", act 3, Part 1: Hal Jordan must enlist the support of one of his greatest enemies, the Black Hand, or watch the universe to fall to the growing army of new gods! But blackening hand to help and get him help as you need to get it are two very different things.
Mortal Kombat X #26
26 pages | 15.6 мb.

Tags: Mortal Kombat X Kotal Kahn Mileena Reiko Skarlet
Mileena vs. Skarlet! Reiko vs. Kotal Kahn! The brawl for it all continues as a surprise new character joins the fray!
Batman - The Jiro Kuwata Batmanga #52
Batman and Robin is completely out of his comfort zone when some foreigners visiting whisk them away to another planet. How will they live?
Batman - Arkham Knight #19
24 pages | 15 мb.

Tags: Batman - Arkham Knight Bane Batman Jason Todd
Physically exhausted after a whole night, Batman squares off against Bane's last showdown! But does the Dark Knight has nothing left? Bain will finally crush his nemesis once and for all? And where is Arkham Knight has been all this time? Find the final "Bane of Existence"!
Sensation Comics Featuring Wonder Woman #40
"Our little dance" part 1 of 2! When well-meaning family members Debbie Domaine say that a cheetah needs rehabilitation more than deprivation of liberty, Wonder Woman dragged into court!
Batman '66 #63
25 pages | 16.8 мb.

Tags: Batman '66 Barbara Gordon Batman Catwoman
The greatest enemy of Batman trying to clean up their image by taking over an advertising agency in the "bad people".
DC week - The New 52 (24.06.2015, week 25)
Collection DC Comics for 24.06.2015 (25 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Aquaman #41 2. Batgirl #41 3. Deathstroke #7 4. Flash #41 5. Gotham By Midnight #6 6. Grayson #9 7. Green Lantern The Lost Army #1 8. Injustice Gods Among Us Year Four #8 9. Justice League 3001 #1 10. Superman #41 11. Teen Titans #9 12. We Are Robin #1
Teen Titans #09
25 pages | 31.4 мb.

Tags: Teen Titans new Teen Titans Teen Titans
Someone is hunting for young heroes. And Robin is going to figure out what to secret organization of young heroes. There is not even a team, but it is already beginning to appear.
Gotham by Midnight #6
The series tells about Midnight Change of Gotham City Police led by Detective Jim Corrigan. This is a special unit that investigates crimes of a special type, for which not even dare to take Batman. New ongoingu significantly helped weekly Batman Eternal, in which Ray Fox and began to develop the story Corrigan, so it is logical that Batman will
Batgirl #41
26 pages | 30.2 мb.

Tags: Batgirl new Batgirl free Batgirl Batgirl comics
Barbara Gordon, after three years in a wheelchair, has regained the ability to walk. And returned to the role Betgerl! Having lived for many years with his father, Babs finally decides to move. She will have to face a new villain, horror at the Gotham, and overcome their fears of the past.

Batgirl #41 (2015)

Publisher: DC
The Flash #41
26 pages | 41.3 мb.

Tags: The Flash new Flash Flash The Flash comics
Flash has the ability to develop a supersonic speed and use superhuman reflexes, which violates several laws of physics. So far, there are four characters who have the ability to super speeds and performed under the name Flash: Jay Garrick, Barry Allen, Wally West and Bart Allen-2007, 2009-present). Before you put on a suit, Flash, Bart Allen and
Aquaman #41
25 pages | 40.9 мb.

Tags: Aquaman Atlanna Gontu Harley Quinn Mera
Aquaman’s mother is alive – and she wants him dead! Welcome to the family reunion from hell!

Aquaman #41 (2015)

Publisher: DC
Justice League 3001 #1
Two words: blue and gold. Okay, three. Three words, Blue and go ... Wait, that's four words. Okay, let's try eto.Komanda Blue Beetle and Booster Gold back! By Giffen and DeMatteis! This universe is ready for any of them ...? You?
We Are… Robin! #1
27 pages | 34.7 мb.

Tags: We Are Robin Robin Robin comics
Spinning out of the pages of BATMAN! The teenagers of Gotham City have adopted the “R” and made it their own. A new Robin? No, HUNDREDS of new Robins! Don’t miss the start of this new series from rising star writer Lee Bermejo (JOKER, SUICIDERS), who also provides the covers!
Grayson #9
Grayson is on a mission to stop the use Paragon part of the body of a dead villain to create something much more sinister!

Grayson #9 (2015)

Publisher: DC
Deathstroke #7
Slade Wilson was sixteen years old when he lied about his age to join the armed forces of the United States. After serving in Korea, Wilson was sent to Camp Washington, where he was promoted to Major. In the early sixties, Slade met Captain Adeline Kane, which was tasked to train young soldiers new combat techniques due to expected problems in
Superman #41
28 pages | 39.7 мb.

Tags: Superman Superman new comic Superman
Superman is a fighter against the perpetrators. He is the representative of an alien civilization. His planet Krypton (Krypton) exploded, but the child had to put in a capsule and sent into space. In the end, he was on the earth. Superman wearing tights red and blue colors and with a huge letter chest. No weapon he was not scared. It can only kill

Superman #41 (2015)

Publisher: DC
Green Lantern The Lost Army  #1
Imagine waking up in a strange place where you didn’t recognize anything, and everyone you knew and loved was nowhere to be found. Now imagine that you are a Green Lantern. The rest of the Corps is missing, you don’t know where you are and there’s not a Power Battery to be found for as far as your ring can scan. Where are you? How did you
Injustice - Gods Among Us - Year Four #08
Broken and beaten after his brush with death, Batman finds an unlikely friend-a down-on-his-luck Gothamite, who, like Batman, longs for the brighter days of Gotham's past.

DC Comics

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