New comics
The Witcher #2
24 pages | 19.4 мb.

Tags: The Witcher Geralt Paul Tobin
Journey to the edge of the Black Forest, Monster Hunter Geralt meets a widowed fisherman whose murderous wife dead and living in a terrible house known as the Glass House, which seem to have an endless number, nothing to fill them out, and terror around every corner. By Eisner winner Paul Tobin! The Witcher game collectively won more than 250
Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 10 #2
A new season. New Rules. Age battle against the Vampire Slayer is the focus of life Buffy again, this is nostalgic! But with all the magic of playing with it for the last time, this girl needs to know it's time for another game changing. . . Would it not be? The executive is made Joss Whedon!
Dark Horse Presents #35
Rabbit Ronin Stan Sakai returns to Dark Horse Presents with full-color story! Chad Lambert and Apri Kusbiantoro tell another story of backstage life in the world after the radio! A new chapter in the secret life of teddy bears is revealed! And long serial Integer city comes to its exciting imprisonment!
Star Wars - Darth Vader and the Cry of Shadows #5
During the Clone Wars, one soldier left for dead during the battle comes to hate Jedi generals, who left him. Years later, he no longer lives on, bitter and angry, while hearing tales of the great warrior. Now, this clone believes he may have found the leader he should be following all along. . . Darth Vader! The all new series starring Darth
The White Suits #3
Mysterious killers dressed in white, they savaged the Cold War Russian underworld—then disappeared. Now they have resurfaced in New York, leaving a trail of dead mobsters. In this bloody wake, an amnesiac and an FBI agent search for the answer to a single question: Who are the White Suits?
The Star Wars #7
The Empire is preparing for an attack on the peaceful world of the Eagle, and only Jedi Luke Skywalker-General takes note. When King Kayos killed Jedi in training Annikin Starkiller is ordered to find Princess Leia and Skywalker sends his only squadron against a powerful new battle station Empire!
Skyman #04
After an embarrassing defeat at the hands of captain midnight, drunk Skyman accidentally kills an innocent man! Needing a new face for their initiative ASAP, Skyman program turns to the U.S. Air Force Sgt. Eric Reid: a wounded veteran on the ropes, looking for a new life.
B.P.R.D. Hell on Earth 118 - The Reign of the Black Flame #4
Spread of infection in the wastelands of Chicago residents of the Windy City turns into vicious monsters. Whether these creatures and a giant bat monster face-saving stop BPRD of their missing agents? Wasteland Part 2 (of 3) Cowritten Mike Mignola, with art Laurence Campbell (Marvel Universe vs. Wolverine, Punisher MAX)! "This is as good a time as
The Adventures of Nilson Groundthumper and Hermy
Experience epic action bunny that might have been ! More than just a precursor Stan Sakai favorite Usagi Yojimbo, his tales of medieval unwits Nielson and germ are just as funny, interesting, and nicely shows how the familiar saga rabbit ronin ! Collect Nielson and germ in full exploits ! * Collects every story Nielson , plus rare to see more art!
Creepy #16
36 pages | 59 мb.

Tags: Creepy Creepy comics Dark Horse
The latest volume in Dark Horse's award-winning Creepy Archives hardcover run will shake, rattle, and obliterate your sanity, as the stories from issues #42-#45 of Warren Publishing's landmark horror series arrive as perfect antidotes to seasonal melancholy. In the early 1970s, comic-book legends like Bruce Jones, Gardner Fox, Richard Corben, Dave
X #12
25 pages | 40 мb.

Tags: X Hamideh Leigh Ferguson Lizbeth Lt. Setter Ruidoso
Ruidoso and its partners have Lee safely in custody, but the lieutenant Setter and his dogs of war will stoop to any low to snatch it away. Fighting erupts in police firing on full when X appears in the lives of its own law and what he does next will shock you! High-octane series, which was half the readers! Intensive conclusion on "The Dogs of
Star Wars #16
23 pages | 18.8 мb.

Tags: Star Wars Star Wars new Star Wars
It began with the mysterious pyramid ships--the Tho Yor--scattered to the eight corners of the galaxy, and ended with the establishment of an Order that would change the universe forever. Here's your first look at the Star Wars of 25,000 years ago--before there were lightsabers, when the ties to the Force were new, and before the Jedi spread out
Terminator Salvation - The Final Battle #5
A-listers J. Michael Straczynski and Pete Woods unite for the biggest Terminator stories ever! Jumping between the future and the past, this sweeping, epic question twelve counts end war machine, but not one fans expect! Everything is at stake, and the fate of John Connor and Skynet will be told!
EVE - True Stories #4
18 pages | 33.1 мb.

Tags: EVE - True Stories EVE True Stories EVE comics
The uniqueness of the story EVE: True Stories is that it is based on true story that happened to players EVE Online - how unprecedented operation intelligence opponents ended in the collapse of the largest virtual universe alliance Band of Brothers and touched the lives of thousands of pilots EVE. The events described took place in February 2009
Bad Blood #4
25 pages | 48 мb.

Tags: Bad Blood Trick Jonathan Maberry
Getting bitten by a vampire drunk it. Seeing his best friend brutally murdered started the war. The trick was not a typical college student-kind-to vampires attacked. Then he learned that his blood was poison for the bloodsuckers. And the trick is to do everything to eradicate them. His blood kills! Vampire tale with an unlikely hero!
Grindhouse - Doors Open at Midnight #7
References: overrated. Moral: Consumables . Today is the right one for some over-the- top sex and violence ! Bringing a taste of midnight movie exploitation comics, Grindhouse delivers four to two questions Gore operas , beginning with "B Vixens from Mars ," pitting one-eyed southern lusty Latina deputy against alien chicks committed lay their
Angel & Faith Season 10 #1
Died down quite ambiguous events of the 8th season of "Buffy - The Vampire Slayer" ended and ongoing Angelic in IDW. The rights to the Angel again went to Dark Horse, and now the continuation of the 8th season will be written under one roof. And it will consist of two series (25 rooms) - directly "Buffy Season 9" and just "Angel and Faith". In it

Dark Horse comics

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