New comics
80 pages | 89.3 мb.

Tags: Six

Six (2014)

Publisher: Other
42 pages | 43 мb.

Tags: Self-Obsessed Sina Grace
For those who like it a touch of gothic graphic novel retail hell is not my bag, Sina Grace (li'l boy pressed, BURN shelter) is a collection of rare and never-before-seen autobiographical films! Packed with new stories for this edition, self-obsessed packed with bizarre and humorous insight about comics, love, dreams, and of course, sworn friends.
Wytches #02
34 pages | 75 мb.

Tags: Wytches Charlie Rooks Lucy Rooks Sail Rooks
Bus with children disappear in the woods. Strange bite grows on the neck of the girl. And wytches closer, creeping out of the woods. Be there for a terrifying second chapter of the new hit, WYTCHES.
The Fade Out #03
Brubeyker & Phillips' new crime noir masterpiece is just beginning! Remember, every month should disappear from the back pages of exclusive items that are only available in certain issues.
Ghosted #15
32 pages | 58.2 мb.

Tags: Ghosted Joshua Williamson
What happens after death? And how far will some people go to find out? The answer to this, and the appearance of some familiar persons in a month!
Death Vigil #05
32 pages | 44.9 мb.

Tags: Death Vigil Stjepan Šejić
The enemy stands revealed. Ancient Order of immortal necromancer known as Pale court resurfaced and Bernie plagued by vague memories and tribulation, as several members of the guards to fall. Last veilripper remains said to ...
Arsene Schrauwen
249 pages | 552.3 мb.

Tags: Arsene Schrauwen Arsene Marieke
In 1947, the author's grandfather, Arsen, type the trip across the ocean to a mysterious and dangerous jungles of the colony at the command of his cousin. Together they build something finds it impossible, a utopia of modernity, in the desert - but not before Arsene falls in love with the wife of his cousin, Marieke. Be in delirium of love or
2000AD 1907
32 pages | 25,4 мb.

Tags: 2000AD Carcer Judge Dredd SlГЎine
More SF barnstorming thrill of Eisner nominated anthology UK! Secrets of a mysterious section of the Ministry of Justice revealed in 7 Judge Dredd: Mega-City Confidential; Then future LAWMAN rash tackle from shooting spree in 'shooters night; Celtic barbarian Slaine crosses the causeway to the island terrifying Monadh manslaughter; The number of
The Phantom #01
38 pages | 44.4 мb.

Tags: The Phantom Diana Palmer
All new six-part mini-series, written by Peter David with art Sal Velluto. The original ghost who walks - Phantom- returns at this end of the 1940s adventures. This is a classic story of The Phantom of the pit against the Singh Brotherhood and their metal hand leader who intend to rob ancient legendary city of gold. Only Phantom, Diana and again
Copperhead #03
31 pages | 47.9 мb.

Tags: Copperhead Clara Bronson Zeke Bronson
Sheriff Clara Bronson’s plan to catch a murderer takes her deep inside the copper mine.
Alex+Ada #10
32 pages | 25.9 мb.

Tags: AlexplusAda Ada Alex
Outcast #05
32 pages | 43 мb.

Tags: Outcast Kyle Barnes Robert Kirkman
"WRATH UNSEEN" Kyle and Rev. Anderson to go further into this world, the true nature of things begins to emerge, and it is worse than they could have imagined.
Hoax Hunters Vol.1 (TPB)
In this first collection of critically acclaimed series, deception Hunters come to Russia, Louisiana Bayou, and 1984. New Jersey to seek out the truth of supernatural events - and cover them! Hoax Hunters demonstrate the truth is not out there. Includes the favorite question 0.ate the truth is not out there. Includes the much sought after issue 0.
Hack-Slash Annual 2011 - Hatchet-Slash
The biggest stars in the book of horror comics MEET the biggest star in the independent horror films AS CASSIE AND VLAD MEET ax Victor Crowley! In Louisiana Bayou, the murderous ghost of Victor Crowley is maiming tourists in creatively horrible ways. But in his blind murderous rampage, he may have created something worse than himself! Now, Cassie
Hack-Slash Annual 2010 - Murder Messiah
The story that links a number of DDP for the new Comics Image going on here! The biggest "fan" Cassie -a serial killer-on fun, clean the ends. This is not an enemy or friend is safe. Meanwhile, 14 years in the future, America ruled Black Lamp Society, street-witch Liberty Lakes is on a desperate quest to find Six Sixx guitar in ...
Godland #01-36 Complete
36 comics pages | 781.3 мb.

Tags: Godland Adam Archer
Godland is the return of cosmic superhero epic. He received a heroes and villains, aliens and drug addicts. At first glance, this is the story of Adam Archer, the unfortunate astronaut who accidentally (or intentionally) is incredible cosmic forces. But these powers are the key to a much larger story, dealing with the evolution of the human

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