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IXth Generation Vol.2 (TPB)
125 pages | 756 мb.

Tags: IXth Generation Matt Hawkins Atilio Rojo
Eight centuries in the future, a group of cybernetic deities–the IXth Generation–have awakened to find themselves in charge of a world kneeling at their feet and faced with an ancient evil known as the Darkness. But instead of unifying against this common enemy, the IXs have fallen into bitter infighting and territorial battles, risking the
IXth Generation Vol.1 (TPB)
134 pages | 164.1 мb.

Tags: IXth Generation Aphrodite IX Hades IX Velocity
In the future there is no more natural death, no needs unfilled and everything you could ever want is yours…as long as you’re one of the chosen ones to live in this new Utopia and you’re willing to subjugate yourself to these new self-proclaimed gods with “IX”s emblazoned on them. Do the ends truly justify the means? Is a utopia built on
Apes & Babes, The Art of Frank Cho Vol.1 (TPB)
From the award-winning creator of LIBERTY MEADOWS, ZOMBIE KING and JUNGLE GIRL, comes APES AND BABES: THE ART OF FRANK CHO. This 144-page full color collection will showcase FRANK CHO's past and present illustrations and you will see why he's considered one of the top masters of the female form and fantastic beasts.
2099 Limited Ashcan
Contains previews of the 2099 books cover dated October 1993: X-Men 2099 #1, Doom 2099 #10, Punisher 2099 #9, Ravage 2099 #11, Spider-Man 2099 #12, and 2099 Unlimited #2. Introduction by line editor Joey Cavalieri.
2000AD #1980
32 pages | 58.1 мb.

Tags: 2000AD Judge Dredd SlГЎine
he Fall of Deadworld gathers pace as Fairfax battles against the tide of the Dark Judges – will he survive and is there anything he can do to alter the fate of his world? Also in this week’s Prog: Judge Dredd: The Lion's Den by Michael Carroll, PJ Holden, Adam Brown, and Annie Parkhouse; Survival Geeks: Lord of the Ringers by Gordon Rennie,
Heavy Metal #280
147 pages | 233.4 мb.

Tags: Heavy Metal Vittorio Astone Zeljko Pahek
Deck the halls with balls of steel! Or something like that! Heavy Metal celebrates the holidaze by launching Enki Bilal's epic "Julia & Roem," kicking off Erika Lewis' stunning new graphic novel, "The 49th Key," and introducing horror writer Matt Farrell to our unhallowed pages with his short story "R.I.P."! And that's just the beginning! Cover by
Heavy Metal #279
135 pages | 209.4 мb.

Tags: Heavy Metal Vittorio Astone Zeljko Pahek
Deck the halls with balls of steel! Or something like that! Heavy Metal celebrates the holidaze by launching Enki Bilal's epic "Julia & Roem," kicking off Erika Lewis' stunning new graphic novel, "The 49th Key," and introducing horror writer Matt Farrell to our unhallowed pages with his short story "R.I.P."! And that's just the beginning! Cover by
Faster Than Light #06
31 pages | 79.5 мb.

Tags: Faster Than Light Brian Haberlin
Fight or flee. With a group of nomadic spacers after The Discovery, Captain Forest is forced to make a high stakes gamble for the life of his ship and crew that may leave them all stranded to die in the depths of space.

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