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Dawn 2014 Sketchbook
15 pages | 6.8 мb.

Tags: Dawn Other comics
Wuvable Oaf
262 pages | 316 мb.

Tags: Wuvable Oaf Oaf Ed Luce
Like Sex and the City but with adorable, ex-wrestler hairy gay men (or bears), Wuvable Oaf is Luce’s debut graphic novel. This book fills a romance comics hole by portraying a likeable gay male character that is both fully realized and relatable. Mostly playful, but sometimes serious, Wuvable Oaf captures the levity of loneliness. Luce delivers
Sonic Select Vol.9 - The Games
Sonic the Hedgehog's most popular graphic novel series is BACK! Grab your controller and play along with this game-themed edition of Sonic Select! Sonic the Hedgehog raced into the world in video games first, and his digital birthright still holds true today. Many of Sonic's game adventures have followed him onto the printed page, sometimes with
Sonic Comics Spectacular - Speed of Sound
Sonic the Hedgehog isn't just the fastest running hero around -- he's the longest running too! From killer robots to mad scientists to evil wizards -- Sonic's overcome them all! He's traveled the world at super-sonic speed! For every villain he's faced, there's a friend he's made! Sonic is simply the coolest hedgehog there is! SONIC COMICS
Simpsons Illustrated #23
Bart meets a reclusive B-movie director, whose collection of horror, science fiction, and Radioactive Man is the envy of every hobbyist in Springfield. When the director announces a contest to give away his massive collection, every geek, nerd, and dweeb in town will do anything to win. Then, Homer pits himself against an exasperating and pesky
Previews #334 (July for Sept 2016)
675 pages | 424 мb.

Tags: Previews
THIS MONTH'S COVER ART: New projects from Image Comics and DC Comics! THIS MONTH'S THEME: Halloween Horror! PREVIEWS is your ultimate guide to comics, graphic novels and pop-culture merchandise available from your local comic book shop... revealed up to 2 months in advance! Read detailed product descriptions and storylines for hundreds comic books
MonstHer #01-02
2 issues pages | 40.4 мb.

Tags: MonstHer
Black Op #06
51 pages | 46 мb.

Tags: Black Op
Amber Atoms #01-05
5 issues pages | 181 мb.

Tags: Amber Atoms Kelly Yates
Blast-off with the newest sci-fi adventure heroine Amber Atoms! Follow the ongoing adventures of this modern day 'Flash Gordon' as Amber dreams of leaving her mundane life, but not exactly how she imagined. Mercenaries and aliens suddenly invade Amber's world as she learns that her family history could decide the fate of the galaxy.
2000AD (FCBD)
48 pages | 78 мb.

Tags: 2000AD 2000AD (FCBD)
Lady Mechanika – Lost Boys of West Abbey Vol.1 #2
Lady Mechanika's investigation into the deaths of "undesirable" children in Mechanika City triggers an unexpected reaction from her subconscious self. But are they truly lost memories finally surfacing after so many years, or just simple nightmares?
Exlibrium #04
36 pages | 57.4 мb.

Tags: Exlibrium Nataliya Devova Other comics
...And the door will open "Exlibrium" (from the Latin 'ex libris', "of the books" and 'equilibrium', "balance") - a magic seal that helps the mysterious order of sorcerers to guard the border between the real world and the world of fiction. For many centuries members of the order have been successfully preventing creatures from the works of art
Z-Men #4 - Home of the Grave
Dead and/or alive. LBJ orders the Secret Service to bring him back a Zombie. This should be easy. With the U.S. in PA, solely as advisors, the Air Force drops 300,000,000 tons of advice on Evans County.
The Witchfinder General #6
The Nine Great Witches prepare for the "end of all things!" Can Drew and Annie's ragtag force of demons, imps, vampires, and cats stop the witches and save the world?
The Centron Files Vol.1 - Weasel In The Henhouse
47 pages | 66.7 мb.

Tags: The Centron Files Other comics
A gigantic megalopolis, Centron, suffers from three troubles: a rise in sea level and pollution due to climate change, a shortage of everything, and chronic overpopulation. That is why, every year, over 400,000 citizens, selected by the computer ATROPOS, are eliminated during what is called Egalitarian Control. A delicate mission entrusted to a
Spring #4 - Level Up
Hot sun, hot babes, and the cold decaying flesh of the zombie horde. She wore an itsy bitsy teeny-weeny yellow polka dot the Apocalypse. It's co-eds vs. the undead. The only thing worse than disappearing under the water is being left behind.
Soul #4 - No Saint's Day
137 pages | 114.9 мb.

Tags: Soul - Free Fall Soul Ben Chief McClelland Other comics
The posse shoots to kill, but Ben survives. Too bad it's all downhill from here. As the tale unwinds, Chief McClelland and the posse suspect that Ben may not be telling them the whole truth. And they might be right. Good thing Ben has a hard head. If at first you don't succeed, die, die, die again.
Slab #4 - Doctor's Orders
183 pages | 172.9 мb.

Tags: Slab Other comics
Even a Brain a-day can't keep this doctor away. Things get weird in the lab when Dr. Grimes feeds a zombie sandwiches, all in the name of science. Bring out your undead... Bring out your undead... I'm not undead yet!

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