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Zombies T4 Sheep
50 pages | 49.1 мb.

Tags: Zombies T4 Sheep
The Shaolin Cowboy #7
27 pages | 47.3 мb.

Tags: The Shaolin Cowboy Cowboy Other comics Shaolin
He walks the Path of Three Enemies. Those of the past are still pursuing him. Those of the future are waiting for him. Those of the present are learning it ain't so easy to kill him or his nagging bragging burro! It's a "Buddy Picture" with a body count!
The Dark #2
15 pages | 23.5 мb.

Tags: The Dark Other comics
Santa Claus vs. The Nazis #1
1941. After discovering Santa Claus' factory, the Nazis enslave the elves, incapacitate Santa and convert the factory into a factory of war. two of Santa's helpers escape to London to brief Churchill, who creates a commando unit to take the factory back. Note: The digital edition (11/2/2016) for this volume was released before the print edition.
Rough Riders #7
31 pages | 61.8 мb.

Tags: Rough Riders Rough Riders comics Other comics
With the help of Thomas Edison and Annie Oakley, STEAMPUNK TEDDY is released upon the Spanish American War. As Teddy fights the infamous Battle of San Juan Hill, Harry Houdini and Jack Johnson make a discovery that will change the course of history, their mission and the rest of their lives.
Redemption Heights #1
93 pages | 98.5 мb.

Tags: Redemption Heights Redemption Other comics
Welcome to Redemption Heights, the home and base of operations for the beings charged with collecting the souls of humanity. One such collector is Dana, a dark angel of death. When a collector called David is sent to spy on the residents of Redemption Heights, He is brutally murdered and all signs point to Dana. She must prove her innocence and
Geek-Girl #1
27 pages | 37.1 мb.

Tags: Geek-Girl Geek Other comics
Trying to be a super-hero, Ruby Kaye stumbles across a mysterious and extremely dangerous new villain taking down her town's Numero Uno heroine - and is forced to step up and use her powers for more than just accidentally knocking drinks over her friends... Geek-Girl is entering the Super-Hero Big Leagues - whether she's ready or not!
Blade Bunny Vol.2 #2
35 pages | 43.9 мb.

Tags: Blade Bunny Bunny Other comics
Bunny, the world's ditziest assassin, has been dispatched by the dragon Ao Lung on a quest to retrieve an ancient artifact before it falls into evil hands. At long last, she and Ao Lung's pupil Kyoto have reached the monastery from which the pearl was stolen, but the monks there are acting rather strange...possibly because Bunny punched one of
Alice Matheson Vol.4 - Who is Morgan Skinner
52 pages | 71.8 мb.

Tags: Alice Matheson Other comics
The more we are placed under control, the more that we hide is unavoidable. At the St Mary Hospital, Alice tries to uncover the secret of the Director, Doctor Skinner. What is this obsessive, authoritarian, and cold man, who dedicates his life to his work, hiding? When she learns that Skinner admitted to the neonatol ward an infant that was
Promethee #11 - The Thirteenth Day
48 pages | 63.6 мb.

Tags: Promethee Other comics
The finale approaches... Will humanity survive it? The thirteenth day; the end of the countdown. The whole human race holds its breath and awaits for the worst to be announced: an extraterrestrial invasion! Can the foretold devastation be avoided?
Promethee #10 - Into the Darkness - Part II
47 pages | 60.4 мb.

Tags: Promethee Other comics
Only one day left before the end of the countdown, heralding catastrophes throughout the world. Anguishing revelations, following one after another. Strange space shuttles are seen and as the catastrophes worsen... There's a black-out across the whole planet, and no technology is working anymore. The planet is on the edge of the abyss!
Promethee #9 - Into the Darkness -  Part I
46 pages | 65.4 мb.

Tags: Promethee Other comics
The American Government is preparing in great secret - or so they think - a defense plan to save a few "Chosen Ones" when the alien invasion happens. But this piece of information is about to be leaked... And mass panic is about to ensue! Disasters, especially climatic ones, are coming one after another... There are only two days left before the
Lady Mechanika - La Dama de la Muerte #2
After suffering a tragic loss, Lady Mechanika takes a trip to a small Mexican village just in time for their DГ­a de los Muertos celebration. But the festivities turn truly deadly after the arrival of the Jinetes del Infierno, the mythical Hell Riders. A very special Day of the Dead Lady Mechanika three-part story!
Bitch Planet #09
"Extraordinary Machine" uncovers the past of the Bitches' secret weapon Meiko Maki, how she went from promising engineer to killer—and the ace up her sleeve. From KELLY SUE DeCONNICK (PRETTY DEADLY, Captain Marvel) with guest pencils by TAKI SOMA (Takio, The Victories).
Motor Girl #1
24 pages | 27.1 мb.

Tags: Motor Girl Motor Girl Other comics
First Issue! When Samantha's junkyard is visited by a UFO looking for spare parts, she is only too happy to oblige. But when word gets out she is a reliable source, Sam's booming alien business catches the attention of an Area 51 investigator determined to shut her down! Don't miss the premier issue of Terry Moore's fantastic new series!
Jade Street Protection Services #2
In this new series that mashes The Breakfast Club with Sailor Moon, Kai, Saba, Noemi, Divya, and Emma are (bad) students at Matsdotter Academy, an elite private school for magical girls. When they all meet for the first time in a totally unfair detention, these punk rock witch delinquents cut class and discover the fates Matsdotter has in store
Animosity #3
34 pages | 54.2 мb.

Tags: Animosity Other comics
One day, the Animals woke up. They started thinking. They started talking. They started taking revenge. Now, a dog and his girl are trying to get away--out of New York City, and all the way to San Francisco, to the only person who might be able to protect and save her. From the writer of INSEXTS A-FORCE, and BOMBSHELLS and the artist of SUPERZERO,
Southern Bastards #15
Special issue written & drawn by Bastard Prime JASON LATOUR!
Prophet - Earth War #6
The far future clone epic nears its end as Old Man Prophet reaches the same tower that awoke a sleeping empire.
Nailbiter #26
27 pages | 35.2 мb.

Tags: Nailbiter Joshua Williamson Other comics
“BOUND BY BLOOD,” Part Three. Like Father… like daughter? Does Alice uncover what drove the Nailbiter to become a serial killer?
Mayday #1
30 pages | 52.5 мb.

Tags: Mayday Other comics
SERIES PREMIERE A Cold War action-thriller like no other. It's 1971, and two young Soviet operatives are sent to California to kill a defector and recover top-secret information. As the mission falls apart into a mess of good sex, bad drugs, and ugly violence, the young Russians are faced with a dilemma: they need to rely on each other to escape

Mayday #1 (2016)

Publisher: Other
CBLDF Liberty Annual
“GREAT HEROES” Be The Change! CBLDF salutes the real people who changed the world, from suff ragettes to sports legends, creative visionaries to courageous citizens who took a stand. CBLDF LIBERTY ANNUAL 2016 will inspire readers to go out and optimistically build a better world by telling the stories of the people who did just that! All

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