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Grrl Scouts - Magic Socks #1
JIM MAHFOOD (Tank Girl, Clerks) debuts his first new creator-owned work in years with the glorious return of GRRL SCOUTS! Join Gwen, Daphne, and Rita as they reunite for a pulse-pounding psychedelic adventure through the streets of Freak City. This first issue is stuffed to the gills with an action-packed story, bonus art, soundtrack, sketchbook,
Eclipse #7
24 pages | 48.0 мb.

Tags: Eclipse Top Cow
Imagine if sunlight burned you alive. In the near future, a mysterious solar event has transformed the sun’s light into deadly immolating rays. The world’s few survivors now live in nocturnal cities. But a killer emerges who uses sunlight to burn his victims, and when he targets the daughter of a solar power mogul, it falls to a disillusioned
Low #18
31 pages | 57.1 мb.

Tags: Low Stel Caine Rick Remender Image
This is it: Stel Caine has risen from the depths to set foot on the surface of Earth, the first human in millennia to do so. But what she finds there will make her wish she never left the safe darkness of the deep sea.

Low #18 (2017)

Publisher: Other
Invincible #136
“REBOOT?” Part Two. Invincible’s father, Omni-Man, murdered The Guardians of the Globe to facilitate his attempt to take over Earth... now that he has the opportunity can Invincible stop his father and change the course of history... for the better?
Rose #2
31 pages | 56.1 мb.

Tags: Rose Image
SERIES PREMIERE A classic fantasy tale about a girl trying to restore balance to a broken world. Rose must connect with her Khat—Thorne—to become the Guardian the world needs. But things aren’t easy for Rose and Thorne, the powerful sorcerous Drucilla has many powerful and demonic allies—all of them focused on stopping one scared little

Rose #2 (2017)

Publisher: Other
Domino Lady #1-5 Complete
5 issues pages | 84.9 мb.

Tags: Domino Lady Domino Lady Moonstone
Uncover the sexy romp secrets of our stunning Blond Bombshell in this new on-going series! The Domino Lady does whatever it takes, and uses whatever is at her disposal, to outthink and outplay those who prey upon the innocent. Sleeping with the enemy makes no difference with her, as long as she can put away the bad guys.
Simmons Comics Anthology Vol.1-3 Complete
Arcana Comics and Simmons Comics Group are proud to present this special anthology, featuring the first chapters of Zipper, Dominatrix, and Gene Simmons House of Horrors, as well as the first chapter of the first ever crossover between Zipper and Dominatrix, The Slave Trade.
Zipper vs. Dominatrix Vol.1
Arcana Comics and Simmons Comics Group Presents Zipper Vs Dominatrix: The Slave Trade, collecting the three exciting chapters in one volume. Zipper and Dominatrix, two creations straight out of the mind of Gene Simmons, get wrapped in a world of sex slaves and conspiracy. Can the alien and the T&A agent work together long enough to save innocent
Dog Eaters #1-2 Complete
Mankind failed to master the Petroleum Age, and the resulting catastrophe, the "Die Off," killed off 90% of humanity. One hundred seventy-five years later, nomadic tribes travel between fortified casino-cities in armored caravans, trading wares and defending themselves from Roaches - desert bandits descended from the inmates of maximum security
Bongo Comics Free-For-All! 2017
Get in line for the foremost Free Comic Book Day four-color giveaway of the year! When Bart injures his back and has to use a rolling backpack, he turns weakness into strength as the "Leader of the Backpack Pack." Then, Homer and Bart pull an all-nighter and put themselves on high alert to prevent a potential home invasion. Rod and Todd Flanders
Oracle Vol.1 - Oracle of Delphi
62 pages | 96.2 мb.

Tags: Oracle Soleil
She is the Pythia, the Oracle of Delphi, the Messenger of the Gods, dedicated to the worship of Apollo. She knows the future, but gains no profit from the present. She lives confined in her temple, protecting the gift that makes her one of the most powerful women in Greece – until her power is taken from her, and her last vision shows the dark
Angor Vol.2 - Mansiouran
44 pages | 76.4 мb.

Tags: Angor Soleil
TO ESCAPE FROM THEIR MISERABLE EXISTENCE, THREE TEENAGERS TAKE CONTROL OF THEIR DESTINY. Three teenagers, Talinn, Evrane, and the very young Corky, live in a small village in the vast Kingdom of Angor. As members of the lowest caste, their future is all mapped out; they have to till the soil and raise livestock alongside their parents. However,
Stolen #1
34 pages | 54.3 мb.

Tags: Stolen Hip Comics

Stolen #1 (2005)

Publisher: Other
10th Muse (Volume 3)
116 pages | 126.1 мb.

Tags: 10th Muse
Descendant #1-3 Complete
3 issues pages | 101.8 мb.

Tags: Descendant Shadowline
Believed to be the embodiment of an ancient Incan prophecy, and exiled years earlier for abusing her own powers, Rayne Santiago must confront the past she has been running from her entire life if she hopes to not only win back the trust of her people, but also rescue her brothers.
Denali #1-2 Complete
2 issues pages | 22.0 мb.

Tags: Denali monkeybrain Comics monkeybrain
The warrior Denali embarks on a quest across a post-apocalyptic world, aided by a magician/thief named Paris a yeti named Grok.

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