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Accell #1
42 pages | 60.2 мb.

Tags: Accell

Accell #1 (2017)

Publisher: Other
Winnebago Graveyard #1
38 pages | 56.8 мb.

Tags: Winnebago Graveyard Winnebago Graveyard Image
SERIES PREMIERE An American family traveling on vacation finds themselves stranded in a small town with a sinister secret.
Sons Of The Devil #13
The final chapter of the first arc. A traitor revealed.
Kill the Minotaur #1
46 pages | 78.6 мb.

Tags: Kill the Minotaur Minotaur Skybound
Athens lost the war to Crete. Now, they pay tribute to King Minos by sacrificing their best citizens to his unearthly labyrinth. Conspirators believe Theseus can be the hero they need to end the mad king’s bloody reign...but no one on this world has ever encountered anything like the savage minotaur. CHRIS PASETTO, CHRISTIAN CANTAMESSA (Red Dead
Manifest Destiny #29
As the arc comes to a close, extreme measures are taken to protect Lewis & Clark’s mission.
Regression #2
31 pages | 40.5 мb.

Tags: Regression Image
Adrian is plagued by ghastly waking nightmares. To understand and possibly treat these awful visions, Adrian reluctantly agrees to past life regression hypnotherapy. As his consciousness is cast back through time, Adrian witnesses a scene of horrific debauchery and diabolism. Waking, he is more unsettled than before, and with good
Green Valley #9
48 pages | 72.8 мb.

Tags: Green Valley Valley Skybound
The knights of Kelodia are the finest in the land, but they’ve never faced a power like the one that resides in the Green Valley... MAX LANDIS (Chronicle, American Ultra, Superman: American Alien) and GIUSEPPE CAMUNCOLI (Amazing Spider-Man) welcome you to the world of Green Valley… where nothing is ever what it seems.
Copperhead #14
25 pages | 50.2 мb.

Tags: Copperhead Clara Bronson Jay Faerber Image
The conclusion of our second story arc, as Clara's manhunt comes to an end.
Birthright #25
As Mikey and Brennan track the next mage to Seattle, Wendy and Aaron make their own deals to try to save their sons. Plus a new “Hero’s Journey” variant by Benjamin Dewey (THE AUTUMNLANDS)!
True Patriot Presents #4
True Patriot, the anthology of Canadian superheroes, returns as an ongoing bi-monthly series! In the premiere issue, Jay Stephens (Jetcat) continues the amazing adventures of Arrowhead. Fred Kennedy (Fourth Planet) and Rob Armstrong (Redhill Billy) give us the origin of Gull Girl. Plus, J. Bone (Rocketeer) and J. Torres (The Mighty Zodiac) tag
Rose #3
48 pages | 52.8 мb.

Tags: Rose Image
SERIES PREMIERE A classic fantasy tale about a girl trying to restore balance to a broken world. Rose must connect with her Khat—Thorne—to become the Guardian the world needs. But things aren’t easy for Rose and Thorne, the powerful sorcerous Drucilla has many powerful and demonic allies—all of them focused on stopping one scared little

Rose #3 (2017)

Publisher: Other
Bitch Planet - Triple Feature #1
28 pages | 48.2 мb.

Tags: Bitch Planet Bitch Triple Feature Feature Image
DECONNICK & DE LANDRO PRESENT: THE TRIPLE FEATURE! Ripped directly from the world of BITCH PLANET, a crack team of creators spin three teeth-clenching tales of rage, revolution, and ridicule. PLUS: Essays, letter column, and more! 100% Grade A satire. Accept no substitutes.
Lawless Vol.1 - Welcome to Badrock
372 pages | 537.2 мb.

Tags: Lawless Rebellion
A FRONTIER TOWN IN THE ASS-END OF NOWHERE ON A FRONTIER PLANET IN THE ASS-END OF THE GALAXY: Welcome to Badrock, where the synthol flows freely, fights break out daily and scavengers bicker over pieces of scrap found in the war-scarred badlands. Good thing they have a new Colonial Marshall, no-nonsense Metta Lawless, to keep the peace! Tensions
The Complete Skizz #1 - TPB
236 pages | 413.6 мb.

Tags: The Complete Skizz Skizz Rebellion
When interpreter Zhcchz of the Tau-Ceti Imperium crashed his ship into a small blue �Hellworld’-class planet, the odds of surviving were stacked against him. Stranded in the polluted, hostile British city of Birmingham, �Skizz’ is befriended by Roxy, a plucky young local girl. But from bad food to Prime Minister Thatcher’s government
The Loxleys and Confederation #1 - GN
The follow up to Canadian bestseller The Loxleys and the War of 1812 catches up with the family in 1864 as threats from America - and the potential that a triumphant Union will turn its attentions north - once again place the Canadas in grave danger. The story is told as a travelogue as George Loxley reports on the attempts to bring the provinces
Valerian and Laureline #21 - The Time Opener
The evil hordes of the Wolochs are rampaging through space, and everywhere death and destruction follow. But despite the despair of some and the betrayal of others, Valerian, Laureline, and a few other brave souls are resisting. They’re hoping to use a mysterious artifact, the Time Opener, to banish the stones and bring back Earth. But what
Rocketo Vol.2 - Journey to the Hidden Sea
179 pages | 279.1 мb.

Tags: Rocketo Image
In the conclusion to the Eisner-nominated JOURNEY TO THE HIDDEN SEA, a new history of mankind is revealed - its origins, its powers and its destruction. As Rocketo and his crew explore the mythical world of the Hidden Sea, the mighty forces of Lucerne prepare for an invasion. Rocketo must race against time and discover the secrets of Ultamo if he

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