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The Stuff of Legend - A Jester's Tale (Volume 3) 1-4 series
Long time did not look in a box with toys? Right now because we have very different characters: Spider-Man, Transformers, Wolverine, Iron Man ..... In general, fall into childhood, and play with toys, but there's not as much fun as it seems at first glance ...
The Stuff of Legend - The Jungle (Volume 2) 1-4 series
Long time did not look in a box with toys? Right now because we have very different characters: Spider-Man, Transformers, Wolverine, Iron Man ..... In general, fall into childhood, and play with toys, but there's not as much fun as it seems at first glance ...
The Stuff of Legend (Volume 1) 1-4 series
4 issues pages | 87.4 мb.

Tags: The Stuff of Legend Stuff of Legend comics Th3rd World
Long time did not look in a box with toys? Right now because we have very different characters: Spider-Man, Transformers, Wolverine, Iron Man ..... In general, fall into childhood, and play with toys, but there's not as much fun as it seems at first glance ...
Star Wars - Heir to the Empire (1-6 series) Complete
Five years after the second Death Star died, Darth Vader killed the Emperor, and the remnants of the Empire have been trapped in the far corners of the galaxy.
M.Rex (1-2 series) Complete
2 issues pages | 29.9 мb.

Tags: M.Rex M.Rex comics Rex Avalon Studios
Imagine a world where super-computers conspire with toaster ovens to unseat mankind as the dominant species. A place where Monkeys connive, gator-men prognosticate, and Monsters unionize... Where your heart is a living nanotech colony, with billions of microscopic robots protecting you from certain death... While in exchange, your life-force ?lls
Grimm Fairy Tales Presents Wonderland (1-22 series)
Shattered Reflections - Part Two How to defeat search Calie Wonderland continues, she finds herself faced with a god-like individuals who will set her on the path she would never have seen coming. But when rising new "Alice", Calie will be ready to answer the call or will it finally become a victim of madness? Countdown to Wonderland # 25
Get Smart (1-8 series) Complete
8 issues pages | 159.2 мb.

Tags: Get Smart Get Smart comics dell comics
With very little experience in the field and even less time to spare, smart - armed with just a few spy gadgets and his irrepressible enthusiasm - may have to defuse the "chaos" if he wants to come tomorrow.
Collection Marvel (21.05.2014, week 20)
21 comics pages | 893.6 мb.

Tags: Collection Marvel 21.05.2014 week 20
Collection Marvel Comics for 21.05.2014 (20 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Hulk #03 2. All-New Doop #02 3. Original Sin - Secret Avengers Infinite Comic #01 4. Miracleman #06 5. Ultimate FF #02 6. Amazing Spider-Man #02 7. Powers - The Bureau #10 8. X-Men #14 9. Deadpool Annual #02 10. Elektra #02 11. Daredevil #03 12. Amazing
Collection DC - The New 52 (21.05.2014, week 20)
17 issues pages | 848.9 мb.

Tags: Collection DC The New 52 DC comics 0-Day Releases new dc comics
Collection DC Comics for 21.05.2014 (20 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Batman '66 - Meets The Green Hornet #1 2. Batman And Frankenstein #31 3. Batman Eternal #7 4. Batman Superman #11 5. Batwoman #31 6. Birds of Prey #31 7. Forever Evil #7 8. Green Lantern New Guardians #31 9. Harley Quinn #6 10. Justice League #30 11. Justice
Winter City #01-06 Complete
6 issues pages | 307.8 мb.

Tags: Winter City Alan McLean Detectives Daniels Harvey
Alan McLean, a wealthy businessman, is brutally murdered in his own home. It quickly becomes clear Detectives Harvey Daniels and that things are not what they seem when a witness claims she saw the Grim Reaper at the murder scene.
Collection Marvel (14.05.2014, week 19)
17 comics pages | 752.3 мb.

Tags: Collection Marvel 14.05.2014 week 19
Collection Marvel Comics for 14.05.2014 (19 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. All-New Ultimates #02 2. Deadly Hands of Kung Fu #01 3. All-New Ghost Rider #03 4. X-Force #05 5. The United States of Murder Inc. #01 6. Wolverine Vol.6 #06 7. Secret Avengers #03 8. Nightcrawler #02 9. New Avengers #18 10. Fantastic Four #04 11. Iron Man
Collection DC - The New 52 (14.05.2014, week 19)
12 issues pages | 649.7 мb.

Tags: Collection DC The New 52 DC comics 0-Day Releases new dc comics
Collection DC Comics for 14.05.2014 (19 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Action Comics #31 2. Batgirl #31 3. Batman Eternal #6 4. Constantine #14 5. Green Lantern Corps #31 6. Justice League United #1 7. New 52 Futures End #2 8. Scooby-Doo Where Are You #45 9. Superboy #31 10. Superman Doomed #1 11. Superman Wonder Woman #8 12.
Constantine #14
26 pages | 50,9 мb.

Tags: Constantine dc Constantine download Constantine
John Constantine isn't a conventional hero--he lies, cheats, and manipulates others to get the job done. But for all his faults, he's the only one capable of saving the day after learning of information that could shake the DC Universe to its core.
The New 52 – Futures End #2
Following the events Forevere Evil, closing and restarting the series publisher DC decided to move to the next phase. This new step was, proven series such as 52, Trinity, Countdoun and Brightest Day / Justice League Generation Lost, a large version of the weekly comic strip with various possible spin-off group offami writers and artists, which
R.E.B.E.L.S. (Volume 1) 0-28 series + Annual
29 issues pages | 805.5 мb.

Tags: R.E.B.E.L.S. REBELS REBELS comics Brian Cunningham
Diplomacy by Doxa: art find allies using ships and birds to attract attention of new enemies. In the final interesting.
R.E.B.E.L.S. (Volume 1) 0-17 series
18 issues pages | 523.6 мb.

Tags: R.E.B.E.L.S. REBELS REBELS comics Tom Peyer
Diplomacy by Doxa: art find allies using ships and birds to attract attention of new enemies. In the final interesting.
Superman - The Doomsday Wars (1-3 series + TPB) Complete
Superman - superhero comics, which are produced by DC Comics. He is considered an icon of American culture.
Piracy (1-7 series) Complete
7 issues pages | 155.9 мb.

Tags: Piracy Piracy comics Ec comics Gemstone
Piracy was a bi-monthly anthology published by EC Comics in the mid-1950's featuring stories from various writers and artists. The series lasted for seven issues, and in 1998 was reprinted issue-by-issue by Gemstone as Piracy.
The New Adventures of Charlie Chan (1-6 series) Complete
Comic adaptions of TV shows were common in the late 1950s and June 1958 saw another hit the stands. "The New Adventures of Charlie Chan" was based on the short lived syndicated TV show, and had an equally short run itself, lasting just 6 issues. The first issue, written by John Broome and drawn by Sid Greene saw stalwart detective Charlie Chan and

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