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Plume #01-05
5 issues pages | 149.8 мb.

Tags: Plume K. Lynn Smith
The hit web comic now coming to print! Vesper Gray is wrested from her stiff Victorian setting when a mysterious spirit saves her life. What secrets does her new friend hold, and how does it tie into her father's mysterious expeditions to strange places? And why do poeple want them dead!
Ken Games #01-03
3 issues pages | 157.3 мb.

Tags: Ken Games
Elsinore #01-05
5 issues pages | 121.9 мb.

Tags: Elsinore
Madness, Monkeys and Murder... Edgar is smuggled out of the asylum for a night of partying and homicide. Murchison proves that sometimes the best therapy is an act of vengeance. And Director Roch begins his attack on the city of Dis, unaware that a new type of demon has set its sight on Elsinore!
DC week – The New 52 (27.04.2016, week 17)
Collection DC Comics for 27.04.2016 (17 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Batgirl 051 2. Batman '66 Meets the Man From U.N.C.L.E. 012 3. Batman v2 051 4. Black Canary 011 5. Cyborg 010 6. Dark Knight III - The Master Race 004 7. Deathstroke 017 8. Grayson 019 9. Harley Quinn 027 10. Justice League 049 11. Justice League 3001 011 12.
Collection Marvel (27.04.2016, week 17)
Collection Marvel Comics for 27.04.2016 (17 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. All-New Wolverine 007 2. Amazing Spider-Man 011 3. Angela - Queen of Hel 007 4. Avengers Standoff - Assault On Pleasant Hill Omega 001 5. Carnage 007 6. Daredevil 006 7. Doctor Strange - Last Days of Magic 001 8. Doctor Strange 007 9. Drax 006 10.

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