Buffy the Vampire Slayer Omnibus Vol.2
- Dark Horse publisher
- Pages: 319
- 2007 year
- English comics
- Size: 519.1 mb.
- Tags: Buffy the Vampire Slayer Omnibus Angel Buffy Cordelia Dawn Drusilla Giles
As we follow the newly chosen Slayer from Los Angeles to Sunnydale and through her parents' divorce - with Dawn in tow - in souled vampire Angel makes his first appearance and not as Spike and Drusilla animate cleave a bloody path kthe West Coast.
This collection includes the critically acclaimed graphic novel Ring of Fire and the miniseries stake in the heart, and reflects the first season in the third season of the cult hit TV series chronology.
A worthy addition to the comics based on Joss Whedon to renew the show.