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Indestructible Hulk - Humanity Bomb Vol.4

Indestructible Hulk - Humanity Bomb Vol.4

Inhumanity tie-in! Bruce Banner was hired to save the planet! But who is against it? As battles Hulk Iron man and animals for the fate of the world, one lab at Banner fell Terrihena Mist! As the danger increases, there will be other assistants banner make a living? Enraged Banner is the last chance to prevent Terrigenesis - but Hulk unleashed a threat even worse than Mist, and it brought the flag right in the intersection killer! Plus: Before Bruce Banner and Tony Stark became heroes, they built weapons. But who inspired them? S.H.I.E.L.D. sends Hulk and Iron Man to get the world's largest arms designer, but whether they will return as a weapon of mass destruction themselves? Collection indestructible Hulk # 16, # 17.INH-18.INH, # 19-20 and ANNUAL # 1.

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