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Legends of the Dark Knight #70

Legends of the Dark Knight #70

Curious horror story from Grant Morrison and Klaus Janson. Interesting it is, above all, that there are some ideas that Morrison then brilliantly used and developed in his wound in Batman RIP and in particular: putting the question of the reality unreality of what is happening and the demonic enemy in the form of a man from the past. But then everything went to Bruce without colored tights and Bet-radium.
There are a few moments of a shock, for example, when the mob, scared scary man nicknamed Whisper, call Betsy, it appears, but explains sopranosam they, naturally, the Rams misled. Or execution of a old-school trap her candle - dare put it in a rather scary story can not everyone. But the fact he and Morrison that masterfully brings together elements from different eras.

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