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Sinestro - Futures End #1
Prior to receiving the ring force Taal Sinestro was an anthropologist on the planet Korugar and engaged in the reconstruction of the ancient ruins. At one of these reconstructions, he found a wounded Green Lantern named Strait Gosgosa who has crash landed on Korugare. He handed his ring Sinestro, who won after the pursuer Strait, one of the
Red Lanterns - Futures End #1
Before the Guardians of the Universe created the Green Lantern Corps, their first attempt to organize the interstellar police forces were Manhunter - robots programmed to protect order in the universe. But over time, their program has decided that organic life is the source of evil and Manhunter destroyed all the inhabitants of the sector 666
Justice League Dark - Futures End #1
Mad sorceress named Enchantress releases forces that can not cope even ordinary heroes of the Justice League. Therefore, John Constantine, Deadman, Shade, Madame Xanadu and create a group of Dark Justice League. This command mystical heroes will fight evil, at the mere mention of which any person proshibet cold sweat.
Harley Quinn - Futures End #1
Harley Quinn Bruce Timm created and Paul Dini for the animated television series Batman. In the episode "Catch the Joker" by the authors, someone had to jump out of a cake in a room full of police officers. It was decided that the Joker himself to do it would be strange and there is a need to create the appropriate assistant clown, although in the
Catwoman - Futures End #1
Selina was born in one of the poorest neighborhoods of Gotham. Her mother did not really care about her and her sister Maggie, preferring the company of cats and lives in dreams; she committed suicide when Selina was six. Another six years later gave its ends alcoholic father, Brian Kyle, often the beat of their children. The sisters were
Booster Gold - Futures End #1
Originally appeared as a character in the image of the alien seeking glory from the future who uses his knowledge of historical events and futuristic technology to create their own "heroic" image in the eyes of the people, but over time his image is transformed into a "real" hero, survived personal tragedy and burdened created his earlier
Batman Eternal #25
First Batman Eternal series was announced during the recent Comic-Con New York, where the publisher has shared information with fans about the new project . It was stated that will oversee the ongoing directly Scott Snyder, a team of writers and artists will be changed periodically . Such a rotation is a common practice for such weekly series. On
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