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God Is Dead #10
30 pages | 51.3 мb.

Tags: God Is Dead Mike Costa German Erramouspe
A returning gods and demigods are targeted to Earth as their own. Now, where was formerly a pantheon under Mother Earth Gaia is foaming vortex of divine wrath and fury. Humanity conspiracy to overthrow God. But little did they know that the solution may be worse than the problem . Mike Costa continues the vision of Jonathan Hykman for the war in
Edison Rex #15
21 pages | 20.7 мb.

Tags: Edison Rex Chris Roberson Dennis Culver
Edison Rex gets an unexpected opportunity to learn how history will remember him when a group of super-powered teens from the future travel back in time to pay their respects.
Crossed - Badlands #51
29 pages | 40.8 мb.

Tags: Crossed - Badlands The Crossed Garth Ennis
GARTH ENNIS - creator of Preacher and Crossed continues the story that went C- day comic book stores around the world last month ! Let's go back to the beginning of the bloodiest survival horror comic ever produced. For over five years, fans have speculated and postulated how it all began . Now Ennis address history directly to believers who were
Caliban #01
29 pages | 48.6 мb.

Tags: Caliban Facundo Percio Garth Ennis
Master storyteller GARTH ENNIS & Fashion Beast artist Facundo PERCIO team to deliver a haunting epic new sci-fi horror. Crew Caliban hyperspace travel on not more than the usual trip to the giant ship. All human beings have been in a bit too long, unsure about other life in the galaxy , and all the spaces of the cosmos, to remind them how far they
Artifacts #36
Tom Judge and Tilly find students who used mathematical equations to open a portal to the Ancients (featured in the Dark: A New Life). Former Angelus and Witchblade bearer Daniel Batista investigating related killings.
The Shadow - Year One #8
36 pages | 39.1 мb.

Tags: The Shadow Year One The Shadow - Year One
THE SHADOW is a character that has lasted through decades on the pages of pulp magazines, over the radio airwaves, thru the silver screen, and in the panels of comic books. Shrouded in mystery, his origins have been explored and hinted at over the years...but never fully revealed. Much is known of Kent Allard/Lamont Cranston's years spent in the
What If Age Of Ultron #01
Infinite AGE Ultron! In the era of Altron, time travel Wolverine killed Hank Pima before he can create a world-conquering Altron. What would Marvel Universe look like if another of the founders Avenger was killed as well? World Without Wasp brings peace where Hank Pim created in Altron even more disgusting than the one we know!
Deadpool Vs. Carnage #01
Two red-suited for the crazy price of one! That's right, good reason to Bad mind once and for all! And you can bet that it's going to be a bloody one!
Amazing Spider-Man - Family Business (GN)
Someone needs to Spider-Man in their crosshairs, and the only person in the Marvel Universe, who can save him is ... the sister of Peter Parker ? As the web -slinger meets with the family he never knew whether it eventually becomes his greatest ally , or one who curses him ? And that means Kingpin of crime have to do with it ? It's all new,
Secret #07
28 pages | 27.5 мb.

Tags: Secret Jonathan Hickman Ryan Bodenheim
"ENDGAME" It took fifteen years of counseling couples. Forty barrels of ink. Six billion dollars ... and a time machine to get to the epic conclusion of the secret ... and here it is! The death and resurrection of close. Someone lives. Someone dies. And of course, someone loses a finger. Check out the latest chapter of the modern spy thriller,
Archer and Armstrong #19
31 pages | 47.7 мb.

Tags: Archer and Armstrong Archer Armstrong Bloodshot
Mission improbable - PART 3 (of 4)! Archer and Armstrong elbow in on home soil bloodshot author! Bloodshot and H.A.R.D. The case took Obadiah Archer and imprisoned him within his secret compound - but they are trapped Archer Archer trapped or have them? The attack from within and from fighting-mad Armstrong ready to break down the door, the
Amelia Cole and the Enemy Unleashed #02
Amelia knows the secret council! Now what is she going to do with it - especially since he is trying to be her arrested? Meanwhile, Omega Company catch a break! ... Joking.
Ultimate Comics Spider-Man #200
The world mourns the anniversary of the death of Peter Parker Gathering of friends and enemies Spidey uncovers some shocking truths about Peter and his world One of the biggest surprise endings of the year!
Turok – Dinosaur Hunter #3
The main character - redskin Turk - falls into a lost world, pulled out of our time, which runs all the villain Campaigner, hope to seize an ancient artifact called Chronoscepter. With it Kampeyner intends to get into our world and, of course, to capture it.
The Army of Dr. Moreau #04
Returning to the place of his nightmares, Prentiss has to deal with new horror in the aftermath of the massacre Beast-folk. Meanwhile, the mission takes a deadly turn to Beckett and his team. With the installation of the victims, the war between humans and monsters worse.
Starlight #02
26 pages | 31.2 мb.

Tags: Starlight Duke McQueen Mark Millar
Duke McQueen once saved the world from alien destruction, but it happened in a place no one believes in, while nobody remembers. Surrounded by memories of his dead wife and his happy days gone by Duke as a hero long gone ... or so he thinks! Now, a young guest from the world of Duke once saved, who come to him with their surroundings for help.
Moon Knight #02
24 pages | 21.8 мb.

Tags: Moon Knight Warren Ellis
The best new comic in 2014 continues with the story that has to be experienced to be believed!
Moon Knight #02
24 pages | 21.8 мb.

Tags: Moon Knight Warren Ellis
The best new comic in 2014 continues with the story that has to be experienced to be believed!
Marvel's Guardians of the Galaxy Prelude #01
Now nebula? With the tragic events of forged unbreakable loyalty of the Dark Lord? Find out here! Plus: Hamor! Korath! And from the Marvel Cinematic Universe!
Magneto #02
24 pages | 36.8 мb.

Tags: Magneto Agent Rodriguez Agent Withers
The horrors of the past Magneto inform their decisions in the present, as he tracks down the source of the latest threats mutants. Meanwhile, S.H.I.E.L.D. glimpse of a new group of followers of Magneto ...
Loki - Agent of Asgard #03
24 pages | 37.2 мb.

Tags: Loki - Agent of Asgard Loki Verity Willis
Loki is sent back to the dawn of Asgard to join their greatest heroes in search of otter-skin gold, heart's-blood of the dragon ... and some magical sword. Meanwhile, Loki does not appear in this issue. Both of these statements are, at this time, though.
Captain America #19
The story that will change the life of Captain America Forever! The ultimate weapon shield hass fallen into the hands of The Iron Nail! Cover trapped Twisted Mindscape Dr. Mindbubble! Jet Black Falcon and must make a terrible choice!
Swamp Thing #30
Earth bleeds green! Millions umrut.Swamp Thing must break its very existence to the root. Seeder story ends here!
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