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Cable #5
20 pages | 33.6 мb.

Tags: Cable Marvel marvel comics

Cable #5 (2017)

Publisher: Marvel
Runaways #1
18 pages | 65.1 мb.

Tags: Runaways Marvel marvel comics
Old Man Logan #25
The night the villains joined forces and overcame the world's heroes was the night that Wolverine's life irrevocably changed. He lost his friends, his purpose, and all that was left was the Wasteland. Now, Old Man Logan has found himself in the past, before the Wasteland, and he lives with the fear that the Villain Uprising may yet come to pass.
Old Man Logan #24
The night the villains joined forces and overcame the world's heroes was the night that Wolverine's life irrevocably changed. He lost his friends, his purpose, and all that was left was the Wasteland. Now, Old Man Logan has found himself in the past, before the Wasteland, and he lives with the fear that the Villain Uprising may yet come to pass.
Old Man Logan #23
The night the villains joined forces and overcame the world's heroes was the night that Wolverine's life irrevocably changed. He lost his friends, his purpose, and all that was left was the Wasteland. Now, Old Man Logan has found himself in the past, before the Wasteland, and he lives with the fear that the Villain Uprising may yet come to pass.
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