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Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles – Amazing Adventures – Carmelo Anthony Special
It’s up to Slash to rescue the rest of the Mutanimals. Will he be able to put the Turtles’ training to good use and save the day? Part two of a special story that documents the Mutanimals first adventure together!
Jem and the Holograms #15
Truly outrageous! Jerrica Benton DDA, but it has what it takes to bring her outsider groups against the mega-popular losers?
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Amazing Adventures #10
It’s up to Slash to rescue the rest of the Mutanimals. Will he be able to put the Turtles’ training to good use and save the day? Part two of a special story that documents the Mutanimals first adventure together!
The X-Files #2
22 pages | 28.5 мb.

Tags: The X-Files IDW
Archangel #1
49 pages | 64.0 мb.

Tags: Archangel IDW
Brutal Nature #1
23 pages | 26.4 мb.

Tags: Brutal Nature IDW
Wynonna Earp #04
22 pages | 34.4 мb.

Tags: Wynonna Earp Beau Smith IDW
After bringing down Mars Del Rey’s cannibal cartel, Wynonna Earp needs to unwind… what better way to do that than chasing down a dangerous half-demon fugitive with the help of a new partner? All in a day’s work for the U.S. Marshals Black Badge division’s finest!
The October Faction #16
With a zombified Fred Allan on the loose, it’s up to the rest of the family to save him and all of Gristlewood. But even that might not be enough to stop Merle Cope and his evil Momma—who is finally revealed this issue!
Strawberry Shortcake #02
Strawberry Shortcake returns to comics! And along with her comes the return of one of her most nefarious foes, the Purple Pie Man! Join us for the launch of this berry special two-part story re-introducing everyone’s favorite bad baker to the current Strawberry Shortcake mythos!
Mars Attacks - Occupation #03
The Martians came. The Martians saw. The Martians conquered. Now the space invaders cruelly rule over humanity, which has no hope for liberation... until Ruby Johnson decided she had enough and started fighting back.
Biggest Bang  #1
30 pages | 70.8 мb.

Tags: Biggest Bang IDW
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