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The Adventures of Augusta Wind - The Last Story #1
Beginning the five-issue conclusion of this epic, all-ages fantasy! With a malevolent entity about to un-tell every story ever told, erase every character ever imagined (including you!), it’s up to Augusta Wind, Mr. Snabbit, the Omniphant and Upton Snuff to stop the Story Killer and save the Storiverse. But weird worlds, bizarre creatures and
Angry Birds Comics #8
Master Pig Theatre Presents: Gullibird’s Travels! Join us for a very special issue re-telling a classic literary piece as only the Angry Birds can! LilliPIGIANS anyone?
My Little Pony - Friends Forever #30
Rainbow Dash wakes up to discover that here wings have VANISHED! It’s up to the relatively newly-winged Twilight to help her friend find out the source of the mysterious occurrence.
The X-Files Annual 2016 #1
50 pages | 58.7 мb.

Tags: The X-Files Annual 2016 The X-Files IDW
Mulder uncovers rumors that the Jade Helm 15 exercises were a smokescreen for a shadow-government group to rendezvous with aliens. Mulder and Scully follow the trail to Mesa Verde in southern Colorado, where they meet skeptical natives and a man who believes he’s an alien, on their way to finding the truth.
Jem and the Holograms #17
Truly outrageous! Jerrica Benton DDA, but it has what it takes to bring her outsider groups against the mega-popular losers?
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles #60
Major battle on the island Burnow unfolds! Turtles will be able to help Fugitoid, to disable Technodrome before it's too late? Meanwhile, Splinter and Mutanimals go against the Koran and the leg!
G.I. Joe - A Real American Hero #230
As suspicious Cobra activity flares up around the globe, Hawk leads a strike team to try and get to the bottom of the sinister organization’s latest plot. But the deeper G.I. Joe digs, the more chilling Cobra’s master plan becomes…
The October Faction #18
With a zombified Fred Allan on the loose, it’s up to the rest of the family to save him and all of Gristlewood. But even that might not be enough to stop Merle Cope and his evil Momma—who is finally revealed this issue!
Strawberry Shortcake #04
Strawberry Shortcake returns to comics! And along with her comes the return of one of her most nefarious foes, the Purple Pie Man! Join us for the launch of this berry special two-part story re-introducing everyone’s favorite bad baker to the current Strawberry Shortcake mythos!
ROM #1
43 pages | 56.4 мb.

WE’VE BEEN INVADED AND ONLY A SPACE KNIGHT CAN SAVE US! First there was his epic return in this year’s FCBD #0, and now the ongoing tale of ROM begins in earnest! Christos Gage, Chris Ryall, and David Messina kick off the wildest new series of the year as Rom’s war with the DIRE WRAITHS hits close to home in “Earthfall, part 1!”

ROM #1 (2016)

Publisher: IDW
Action Man #2
28 pages | 38.9 мb.

Tags: Action Man IDW
ACTION MAN IS DEAD—LONG LIVE ACTION MAN! He’s the world’s greatest special agent… until he dies saving the planet, with all the world’s eyes on him. Now his young protégé has to step into the role—whether he’s ready or not!
The Transformers - More Than Meets the Eye #55
MASSACRE! The battle between the DECEPTICON Justice Division and MEGATRON's AUTOBOTS reaches its nerve-shredding climax. Pray for your favorites—because not everyone makes it out of this issue alive.
Judge Dredd #08
25 pages | 34.8 мb.

Tags: Judge Dredd Iggy Lolo IDW
Mega-City Zero, Part 4! As Dredd continues to unravel the mystery of what has become of Mega-City One, he’s brought before “The Forum” to be judged himself!
Donald Duck #15
“Revenge of the Duck Avenger,” Part 1 of 2! Scrooge and Gladstone drive Donald back into his role as a super-anti-hero—with Gyro’s memory-wiping chocolate drops at his command... uh-oh!
Tales from the Darkside #2
23 pages | 31.7 мb.

Tags: Tales from the Darkside IDW
Joe Hill's nerve-shredding re-imagining of Tales from the Darkside never made it to your TV set...but the dead are restless and refuse to stay buried! This summer, IDW releases DARKSIDE, a four-issue comic-book adaptation of the episodes written by Hill and illustrated here by Locke & Key co-creator Gabriel Rodriguez! Three stories of the macabre
Back To the Future – Citizen Brown #3
Marty rescued Doc from the certain death back in 1931, but he might have doomed the McFly family in the process! It’ll take 1.21 gigawatts and a little bit of luck to right the time stream and save Marty’s future in “GET TANNEN!" Based on the hit TellTale video game!
Star Trek Vol. #11
108 pages | 168.6 мb.

Tags: Star Trek IDW
The U.S.S. Enterprise is on a Five Year Mission of discovery into uncharted space. Volume 11 contains the stories “The Tholian Web” and “Deity,” from issues #46–49 of the ongoing series and the one-shot Special “Flesh and Stone.”
Back to the Future #10
OUT OF TIME! Marty’s been Doc Brown’s assistant for a couple years now—but that doesn’t mean Doc shares his secrets. Clandestine dealings with Libyans and a mysterious stainless-steel car are bad enough… but what else is Doc keeping to himself? Plus, Doc may not have been the first person to visit the past, but he made up for it by being
Mickey Mouse Shorts - Season One #1
Join Mickey, Minnie and all their pals in a comic adaptation of the celebrated, multi-Emmy and Annie Award-winning shorts from Disney Television Animation! In this issue, Mickey battles his way through a Tokyo bullet train during rush hour, an unlikely character competes in a dog show, and Donald suffers from….Flipperboobootosis?! And that’s
Ragnarok #9
33 pages | 61.4 мb.

Tags: Ragnarok Ragnarok comics idw superheroes
When due to Stamford tragedy Act was passed registration superheroes who had not to give inexperienced and untrained owners supernormal expose ordinary people in danger, Superhero society was split in two: one, led by Iron Man, these measures are considered reasonable and supported the act others, such as Captain America, saw the new law
Dungeons & Dragons #3
29 pages | 40.9 мb.

Tags: Dungeons and Dragons IDW
LOST IN RAVENLOFT! Our intrepid heroes have been pulled into the realm of eternal night. With dark forces watching their every move and unknown horrors hunting for their blood, will our heroes endure?
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - Amazing Adventures #12
It’s up to Slash to rescue the rest of the Mutanimals. Will he be able to put the Turtles’ training to good use and save the day? Part two of a special story that documents the Mutanimals first adventure together!
The Maxx - Maxximized #33
Julie's search for Sara continues in the most unlikely of places. Meanwhile, a secret is revealed that will change Sara forever.
Satellite Falling #3
32 pages | 46.8 мb.

Tags: Satellite Falling IDW
We look to the past, as Lilly and Eva deal with an ugly truth about a fallen Earth. In the present, Lilly recruits a team to spy on that huge ship on the far side of the gas giant…and find out just what they want!
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