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Clone Vol.3 - Third Generation
Collects CLONE # 11-15 When clones were declared enemies of the state, Luke Taylor should lead their brothers in a safe place. But homegrown coalition adopts anti-clone policy into their own hands.
Clone Vol.2 - Second Generation
The true nature of Luke Taylor was found, but his fight to save his wife and newborn daughter has just begun. Now, Beta and second generation clones were unleashed, Luke can survive against his younger, stronger, and more ruthless in itself? Collects Clone N 6-10.
Clone #16
32 pages | 72.8 мb.

Tags: Clone Luke Taylor Wade McIntyre
Luke Taylor's mission to uncover the truth behind the program Clone only led to the death of his friends. Who will be the next to die in his name?

Clone #16 (2014)

Publisher: Other
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