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Undertow Vol.1 - Boatman's Call
Join the crew redum Anshargal and explore the wild world surface! Stampede of people. Militant rakoobraznyh.Lda road Mammoth hunting. Hold on face-to-face with the Amphibian, mad barbarian god who holds the key to life on earth! COLLECTS rollback в„– 1-6, with extras.
Undertow #04
32 pages | 61.9 мb.

Tags: Undertow Bau Zikia Kingu Redum Anshargal Ukinnu Alal
Anshargal Ukinnu alal and dine with a cannibal god, but it is more than able to digest King. The rescue team Zikia Closes in, and so are deadly killers ever inspired Atlantis. The secret origin of the missing link of the Atlanteans, as exploration activities roars on!
Undertow #03
29 pages | 66.6 мb.

Tags: Undertow Redum Anshargal Ukinnu Alal
Surrounded by a bloodthirsty people in their boiling landsuits, as the sun rises, and the team redum Anshargal Ukinnu alal comes face to face with the original god. He never killed a god before, but it does not mean, Anshargal not attempt. Dry border takes another life as flesh monster adventure continues!
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