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Secret Wars - Battleworld #01
When the Universe and Marvel Ultimate universe collide, there is only ... Battleworld! Featuring fights, battles and bloated, which are too large for the Secret Wars! When Dr. Strange had Punisher is on the move, only Spider-Man, Wolverine, Hulk and Ghost Rider, you can track it! Q: What happens when MODOK recruits each M.O.D.O.K. ever for his
Deadpool's Secret Secret Wars #01
SECRET WAR tie-in! Well ... it ... but is not that Secret Wars. Remember the original Secret Wars of 1984? And I remember Deadpool played a huge role in it? Wait ... You do not? Then you should immediately read this series and to be educated! From the team that brought you the Deadpool KILLUSTRATED Secretest comes the war of all! Plus: bonus
Silk #04
Silk and Johnny Storm's first date! Nuff' said?

Silk #04 (2015)

Publisher: Marvel
All-New Captain America Special #01
PART 3: The grand finale of "inhuman ERROR"! Red Raven Spider-Man and the Inhumans where he wants them! One bird turn deserves another, all-new Captain America answer the call to protect New York from the place ready Red Crow!
Amazing Spider-Man #18
25 pages | 44.4 мb.

Tags: Amazing Spider-Man Ghost Sajani Spider-Man
Huge head the amazing history Spiderman comes to an end! Choosing Petra as CEO Parker Industries come home to roost!
Secret Wars
This is it, the granddaddy of all epic events. Before the crisis of identity, Infinite Crisis, House of M, Civil War and Infinity Gauntlet was Secret Wars.Pochti omnipotent being due already, due to the lack of a better word, stole the greatest heroes and villains in the Marvel Universe deadly and whisked them to the far side the universe to fight
Galactus The Devourer
His name strikes fear in the entire universe: Galactus, devourer of worlds! But now, incessant thirst godlike Galactus driving him crazy - and he came to destroy the earth! As Marvel's greatest heroes to face with the ultimate threat of the space, the Silver Surfer must once again become the herald of Galactus - and the goal of other worlds to
Spider-Man & The X-Men #06
Spider Man is trapped in the grip of one of the greatest enemies of X-Men! All betrayals, deceptions and misunderstandings revealed! And shopping center gets completely destroyed! So why not?
Inhuman Special #01
33 pages | 72.4 мb.

Tags: Inhuman Special Flint Gorgon Medusa Spider-Man Triton
INHUMAN error continues! The history of relations Amazing Spider-Man, inhuman and all new Captain America hits its climax as a character that has been around for more than 75 years, returned to threaten the universe Marvel. You have not seen all the effects Terrigen Cloud: more, and this one is going to destroy New York City!
Amazing Spider-Man #17.1
Who heads HAMMERHEAD?! Not Spider, apparently. Underworld of New York in the fire and Spider Wraith hope to contain it. No luck, you two.
Captain America and the Mighty Avengers #07
The final battle on the edge of infinity! Cap and The Mighty Avengers against the creatures of the brain! Thanks - Spectrum unleashed! And the secrets of the neutral zone! What's strange horror lurks ... On the outside?
Spider-Man & The X-Men #05
Tour! Spider-Man and the X-children burst into space to remove Deathbird Brood-Symbiote Imperium! Glob Herman finest hour! And the identity of the Mole revealed! Maybe we should bring it!
Spider-Man 2099 #11
24 pages | 27.5 мb.

Tags: Spider-Man 2099 Spider-Man Tempest
Trade wars! Spider-Man 2099 and the worlds of Amazing Spider-Man face when Alchemax Industries and Parker got into a bidding war for the valuable contract!
Amazing Spider-Man #17
Spirit invaded Parker Industries! With this super-powered saboteur, not a secret, not safe-- No man is safe or, for that matter.
Spider-Gwen #03
Police Lieutenant Frank Castle is not a man to be trifled with. His new assignment? GET-spider Gwen. Said Nuff.
Spider-Man Vol.1 в„–01-98 + #-1
99 issues pages | 892.3 мb.

Tags: Spider-Man Calypso Lizard Mary Jane
Spider-Man Volume 1 Todd McFarlane began his own series of Spider-Man in the early 1990s and became the newest hits Spider-Man series! Since the release of 75, the cover becomes "Peter Parker: Spider-Man." Despite the change to the cover, the interior of the Copyright page still shows the volume was also named the "Spider-Man", as do the follow-up
Spider-Man Team-Up #01-07 Complete
Spider-Man Team-Up Vol.1 Start a new series of team-up. Although this series ended with issue 7, it was continued after 2 months in Marvel Team-Up Vol. 2. The series lasted for almost 2 years, but was only 7 questions. Mainly because the series has been published every 3 months.
Spider-Man - Web of Doom #01-03 Complete
Spider-Man accused of killing pharmaceutical worker. Peter desperately, and it is not covered by one to talk about the problem, because Mary Jane makes a film in Bolamoira. He feels lonely.
Spider-Man - Friends & Enemies #01-04 Complete
Twilight, Madison Square Park. Seven alien crystals emit radiance ... seven crystals, the power to change the lives of everyone who comes into contact with them. In fact. Cool! On the following morning. Spidey swings over. The park is full of rumors about a free concert. Conman out of the building across the street, as some fraud unsuspecting
Spider-Man Special Edition - Trial of Venom
Spider-Man (Peter Parker) finds Mysterio in an abandoned warehouse. He wins his associates and decides to examine its equipment. Mysterio manages to shoot Spider-Man, causing him to fall through the rift between universes, which was set up equipment Mysterio.
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