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Amazing Spider-Man #21
BEFORE "DEAD NO MORE"! There's an accident at Parker Industries! What will Peter Parker do to save his employees, both as CEO AND Spider-Man?!
Spider-Man #9
CIVIL WAR II TIE-IN! Miles Morales has only been in the Marvel Universe for a few weeks, and he's already finding himself in the middle of a war. Which side will Miles choose?!
Spider-Man - Deadpool #11
BECAUSE YOU DEMANDED IT! The Webbed Wonder and the Merc with a Mouth are teaming up for their first ongoing series EVER! It's action, adventure and just a smattering of (b) romance in this episodic epic featuring the WORLD'S GREATEST SUPER HERO and the star of the WORLD'S GREATEST COMICS MAGAZINE. Talk about a REAL dynamic duo!
Amazing Spider-Man - Renew Your Vows #1
The Parker family is web-slinging and wall-crawling their way into your hearts and into comic shops later this year! Life is good for Peter Parker and Mary Jane; their daughter Annie is their pride and joy, they're both working and (barely) making ends meet, they're keeping the streets of New York City safe from super know, normal
Spidey #12
21 pages | 54.1 мb.

Tags: Spidey Aunt May Sandman Spider-Man Uncle Ben Marvel
Spidey and Sandman square off in a titanic tale that'll knock you out! Get it? Knock you out? Because Sandman. The book has better jokes than the solicits, we swear!
Spider-Man 2099 #17
Spider-Man 2099 and Captain America 2099 race through the streets of present-day New York City looking for a dangerous futuristic fugitive!
Spider-Man - Deadpool #10
BECAUSE YOU DEMANDED IT! The Webbed Wonder and the Merc with a Mouth are teaming up for their first ongoing series EVER! It's action, adventure and just a smattering of (b) romance in this episodic epic featuring the WORLD'S GREATEST SUPER HERO and the star of the WORLD'S GREATEST COMICS MAGAZINE. Talk about a REAL dynamic duo!
Marvel Universe Ultimate Spider-Man vs. The Sinister Six #4
HYDRA ATTACKS! With the events of SPIDER-VERSE and CONTEST OF CHAMPIONS behind him, things are looking up for Peter Parker! S.H.I.E.L.D. leader + respected hero + good standing with family = happy Spider-Man! What could go wrong? How about Doc Ock + Arnim Zola + Hydra?!
Amazing Spider-Man #20
BEFORE "DEAD NO MORE"! There's an accident at Parker Industries! What will Peter Parker do to save his employees, both as CEO AND Spider-Man?!
The Superior Foes of Spider-Man Vol.3 - Game Over
Voted one the best mainstream super-hero comics of 2013 by the Onion A.V. Club! Only five villains stand between New York and total chaos in the streets of Manhattan. The problem? Those villains are the Superior Foes. And now the world's most dangerous villains are up against the world's most dangerous thing: the truth! A year of duplicity and
The Superior Foes of Spider-Man Vol.2 - The Crime Of The Century
The Foes are on the brink as the sleeper hit of the year continues! Nick Spencer (AVENGERS WORLD) and Steve Lieber (HAWKEYE) bring you the crime of the century! But if Speed Demon can't do the time, then he shouldn't have done the crime! Boomerang has been targeted for death - but what does the Beetle know about it? Is Overdrive a rat for the
The Superior Foes of Spider-Man Vol.1 - Getting The Band Back Together
It's a new sleeper-hit series starring some of Spidey's deadliest baddies! Boomerang and his fellow villains prove that with terrible powers come terrible responsibilities, and Spider-Man will soon learn that with superior villains come superior problems! Out on bail and aiming to stay out of jail, Boomerang must get his cronies on target - but
Amazing Spider-Man #19
BEFORE "DEAD NO MORE"! There's an accident at Parker Industries! What will Peter Parker do to save his employees, both as CEO AND Spider-Man?!
Ultimate Spider-Man Infinite Comic #10
A blizzard – in the middle of the fall?! Something's gone terribly wrong in Queens...and the whole rest of the city for that matter! It's up to Spider-Man to figure out what's causing the sudden snowstorms and set things right for the cold folks of New York. But how's he supposed to do that and make it to science class on-time?!
Spidey #11
21 pages | 46.3 мb.

Tags: Spidey Aunt May Sandman Spider-Man Uncle Ben Marvel
Spidey and Sandman square off in a titanic tale that'll knock you out! Get it? Knock you out? Because Sandman. The book has better jokes than the solicits, we swear!
Spider-Man - Deadpool #09
BECAUSE YOU DEMANDED IT! The Webbed Wonder and the Merc with a Mouth are teaming up for their first ongoing series EVER! It's action, adventure and just a smattering of (b) romance in this episodic epic featuring the WORLD'S GREATEST SUPER HERO and the star of the WORLD'S GREATEST COMICS MAGAZINE. Talk about a REAL dynamic duo!
Ultimate Spider-Man Infinite Comic #09
A blizzard – in the middle of the fall?! Something's gone terribly wrong in Queens...and the whole rest of the city for that matter! It's up to Spider-Man to figure out what's causing the sudden snowstorms and set things right for the cold folks of New York. But how's he supposed to do that and make it to science class on-time?!
Marvel Universe Ultimate Spider-Man vs. The Sinister Six #3
HYDRA ATTACKS! With the events of SPIDER-VERSE and CONTEST OF CHAMPIONS behind him, things are looking up for Peter Parker! S.H.I.E.L.D. leader + respected hero + good standing with family = happy Spider-Man! What could go wrong? How about Doc Ock + Arnim Zola + Hydra?!
Amazing Spider-Man #18
BEFORE "DEAD NO MORE"! There's an accident at Parker Industries! What will Peter Parker do to save his employees, both as CEO AND Spider-Man?!
Ultimate Spider-Man Infinite Comic #08
A blizzard – in the middle of the fall?! Something's gone terribly wrong in Queens...and the whole rest of the city for that matter! It's up to Spider-Man to figure out what's causing the sudden snowstorms and set things right for the cold folks of New York. But how's he supposed to do that and make it to science class on-time?!
Spider-Man #8
CIVIL WAR II TIE-IN! Miles Morales has only been in the Marvel Universe for a few weeks, and he's already finding himself in the middle of a war. Which side will Miles choose?!
Spider-Man #8
CIVIL WAR II TIE-IN! Miles Morales has only been in the Marvel Universe for a few weeks, and he's already finding himself in the middle of a war. Which side will Miles choose?!
Civil War II - Amazing Spider-Man #4
Ulysses made a shocking prediction that someone in Spider-Man's life would turn traitor... and it isn't who you'd expect! The folks at Parker Industries already had one mole in their midst, another could destroy everything Peter's worked to build! Good thing Peter's got his old pal, Harry Osborn by his side, right? ...Right?
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