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Punisher Max - The Complete Collection Vol.2
Nick Fury has a dangerous mission for the Punisher: break into a Siberian nuclear missile silo and steal a lethal retrovirus. But Castle soon sets off a chain reaction that will bring him into conflict with a ruthless Russian general - and take the world to the brink of war. Then, mobster Nicky Cavella returns to plague the Punisher. But when his
Punisher Max - The Complete Collection Vol.1
Experience the gritty and uncompromising PUNISHER MAX from the very beginning! When a mob hit killed his beloved wife and children, Frank Castle became the Punisher - an unstoppable one-man army waging war on every piece of criminal scum plaguing New York's streets. But do the Punisher's origins trace back even further? In 1971 Vietnam, Captain
Punisher Max - Naked Kill
What do pencils, a feather duster and a plastic trash-bag have in common? To stop a murderous snuff film ring, Frank Castle has to infiltrate a building with a security system so tight that he can't bring in any weapons. Nothing. Nada. Just his own wits, inventiveness and ruthless efficiency. Oh, and a few cleaning products and office supplies.
Punisher Max - Hot Rods of Death
"Mad Billy" Finn pulled young Frank Castle's butt of out the fire in the 'Nam. So when he runs into some trouble a few decades later, in the form of a particularly unsavory biker gang, Frank's all too happy to help out an old friend. Get ready, Maruaduer, 'cause the Punisher is about to take you on a Highway to Hell. Get ready for the Punisher's
Punisher Max - Happy Ending #01
Nothing like this has ever happened to Joe before. When a quarrel with his wife makes him seek comfort through the doors of the “Happy Ending” massage parlor, the mild-mannered accountant enters a whole different world. An exotic world of life and death decisions, a world where a beautiful woman is fleeing from a vicious mob boss, and everyone
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