New comics
Mythic #08
32 pages | 61.9 мb.

Tags: Mythic Phil Hester
Mythic #07
24 pages | 40.6 мb.

Tags: Mythic Phil Hester
Mars Attacks - The Human Condition
Mars Attacks - The Human Condition
Mythic #06
31 pages | 58.4 мb.

Tags: Mythic Phil Hester
Mythic #05
32 pages | 55.8 мb.

Tags: Mythic Phil Hester
The origin of Killer of Enemies.
Deep Sleeper #01-04
4 issues pages | 51.4 мb.

Tags: Deep Sleeper Phil Hester
Cole Gibson is a frustrated fiction writer who discovers that his vivid and disturbing nightmares are a doorway into a frightening hidden realm of reality. He soon learns that the dangers of this dream world are all too real and that the choices he makes there threaten not only his family, but his very existence. First two issues were published by
Mythic #04
29 pages | 54.5 мb.

Tags: Mythic Phil Hester
The ghosts of Ragnarok descend on the crew. Waterson's past is revealed.
Mythic #03
30 pages | 56.9 мb.

Tags: Mythic John McCrea Phil Hester
Mythic's enemy is revealed.
Mythic #02
29 pages | 55.5 мb.

Tags: Mythic Phil Hester
Science the key to our understanding of reality; He also is one big lie. The magic of how the world works, and the secret army probes fights to keep these invisible mechanisms of the universe turn. But when they become the hunted, approaching the end of everything.
Firebreather Vol.2 #01-04 Complete
By popular demand, Firebreather adventures continue in this all-new monthly title. High school is tough enough for normal children, but when your dad is a city-stomping giant monster who expects you to follow in his footsteps it gets even tougher. PHIL HESTER (darkness, Irredeemable Ant-Man) and Andy KUHN (Blue Beetle, Marvel Team-Up) to deliver
Invincible Universe #07
The most mysterious member of the Board of Trustees receives a well-deserved vacation, but will be a day off to Le Brusier turn dog day afternoon? Plus, villainoussss returnssss threat!
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