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Scribblenauts Unmasked - A Crisis of Imagination #4
With Maxwell, Lily, and Superman captured Lex Luthor, Superman rest of the family gets in on the action!
Adventures of Superman #37
"Exposed" part 1 of 3. While the Man of Steel Metal blows on the streets of Metropolis, a reporter down-on-his-luck for the Daily Star trying to break "the story of the century" - a suspicious connection between Superman and the Daily Planet!
Scribblenauts Unmasked - A Crisis of Imagination #3
Scribblenauts gang travels to Metropolis, where they find a crowd protesting against Superman headed - Lois Lane and Jimmy Olsen? Man of Steel has no idea why his best friends turned against him ... so it's up to Maxwell and Lily to solve the puzzle!
Superman The Man Of Steel Vol.1
A stunning story about the heroism and history, Superman: Man of Steel VOL. 1 beautifully retells and reinterprets the origins and early adventures of man of steel. This fastpaced, revelation book , Superman begins his ascent to iconic hero when he leaves Smallville and becomes Metropolis People celebrated patron and guardian. Thanks man legendary
Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen (1-163 series) Complete
Jimmy Olsen is investigating the mystery surrounding the new enemy of Superman, Atlanta. But the mystery of the past are titanium Olsen across the country to a person under the codename of the Assassin. Dokapyvayas the truth, Jimmy is in the Midwest and the heroes, long presumed dead ...
Lois Lane #01-02 Complete
2 issues pages | 73.6 мb.

Tags: Lois Lane Jimmy Olsen Lana Lang Lucy Lane Perry White 1986
Close up look at Lois Lane in the eighties! Part 1: Lois finds out about missing children and the simple assignment news turns into an obsession.
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