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Grimm Tales Of Terror #06
Before bedtime tales of terror told as a young girl thinks monsters living in my room ... What if the monster just wants to be friends? But what if he wants something else? Do not miss the monster under the bed - the newest Grimm Tale of Terror company that makes the horror of the best!
Grimm Tales of Terror #05
25 pages | 34.7 мb.

Tags: Grimm Tales of Terror Shane McKenzie
When plague strikes Earth, it kills 99% of the population, but many survivors use their status to production on weak and positive. But at what cost? Inspired Tales from the Crypt, Twilight Zone and creep Show, Zenescope goes back to its roots of horror, a publisher known reinvent classic delves into an entirely new tricks.
Grimm Tales of Terror #04
27 pages | 41.2 мb.

Tags: Grimm Tales of Terror Shane McKenzie
When plague strikes Earth, it kills 99% of the population, but many survivors use their status to production on weak and positive. But at what cost? Inspired Tales from the Crypt, Twilight Zone and creep Show, Zenescope goes back to its roots of horror, a publisher known reinvent classic delves into an entirely new tricks.
Grimm Tales of Terror #02
27 pages | 47.7 мb.

Tags: Grimm Tales of Terror Shane McKenzie
Inspired Tales from the Crypt, Twilight Zone and creep Show, Zenescope goes back to its roots of horror, a publisher known reinvent classic delves into an entirely new tricks. When a group of hunters treasure to go to Amazon to find the priceless relic Spider King, they will find that their greed put them in a dire predicament!
Grimm Tales of Terror #01
27 pages | 42 мb.

Tags: Grimm Tales of Terror Keres Ralph Tedesco
Inspired Tales from the Crypt, Twilight Zone, and Creep Show, Zenescope back to its roots in horror as the publisher known for reinventing the classics delves into an entirely new tricks. From Poe to Lovecraft brand new fables, these tales of terror sure you crawl in a whole new way!
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