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Lone Ranger - Green Hornet - Champions of Justice #1 - TPB
A tale of super-heroics and family that has taken eighty years to be told, uncovering The Lone Ranger's familial link to the emergence of The Green Hornet! What is the blood connection that unites two masked heroes, separated by generations? What intense rift tears a family apart just when America desperately needs a great champion of justice?
Green Hornet - Blood Ties #1-4 Complete
4 issues pages | 422.8 мb.

Tags: Green Hornet - Blood Ties Green Hornet Blood Ties Dynamite
The first issue of Green Hornet: Blood Ties features the last remains of the Italian Crime Family and the Japanese Yakuza. How did the two man team of Green Hornet and Kato bring about the fall of all Crime in the city of Century City? This tale is the precursor to Kevin Smith's Green Hornet, and is a must read for Green Hornet fans! Featuring the
Green Hornet #13
25 pages | 53.7 мb.

Tags: Green Hornet Kato The Green Hornet 2014
Now, that voice was silenced, a new threat looming city - and without Hornet round to protect citizens, Kato can survive as a solo agent?
Green Hornet #12
27 pages | 55.5 мb.

Tags: Green Hornet Kato The Green Hornet 2014
Now, that voice was silenced, a new threat looming city - and without Hornet round to protect citizens, Kato can survive as a solo agent?
Green Hornet #11
35 pages | 52.3 мb.

Tags: Green Hornet Kato The Green Hornet 2014
Now, that voice was silenced, a new threat looming city - and without Hornet round to protect citizens, Kato can survive as a solo agent?
Green Hornet #10
33 pages | 56.7 мb.

Tags: Green Hornet Kato The Green Hornet 2014
Now, that voice was silenced, a new threat looming city - and without Hornet round to protect citizens, Kato can survive as a solo agent?
Green Hornet #9
29 pages | 51.4 мb.

Tags: Green Hornet Kato The Green Hornet 2014
Now, that voice was silenced, a new threat looming city - and without Hornet round to protect citizens, Kato can survive as a solo agent?
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