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The Flash (Volume 1) 1-350 series + Annuals
Nicknamed the Scarlet Speedster, all incarnations of the Flash possess "super-speed", which includes the ability to run and move extremely fast, use superhuman reflexes and seemingly violate certain laws of physics. Thus far, four different characters each of whom somehow gained the power of "super-speed" have assumed the identity of the Flash:
Batman and Robin Annual #2
Yearbook Comics "Batman and Robin" about a boy who saw the murder of his parents, in consequence of which stood on crime motivated nenavisti.Gorod where the boy lived, increasingly mastered criminal clans. In the city of Gotham increase in cases of violence, robbery, and murder becomes the norm. In difficult times for the city appears a hero, able
Green Lantern Corps Annual #2
Yearbook of the famous comic publisher DC Green Lantern Corps Annual # 2
Earth 2 Annual #2
The first issue of the monthly series from author James Robinson and artist Nicola Scott! Special guests Alan Scott and Jay Garrick, and many more! Who are the heroes of "Earth 2" and what happened to them? May think that you know the "Earth 2" ... but that 52 new items from DiSi Comics, here anything can happen! Do not miss the debut extended
DC - The New Frontier (1-6 series) Complete
6 issues pages | 186.9 мb.

Tags: DC: The New Frontier DC The New Frontier DC comics
This series has been collected into two formats: A set of two trade paperbacks or an oversized Hardcover Absolute edition.
Martian Manhunter (Volume 3) 1-8 series
During his first appearance in Stormwatch, he helps Jack Hawksmoor and proektsionistov recruit Apollo, which Dzh'onn forces to fight (leaving from strokes) after he attacked the agents. He flies into a rage and fight ceases when Apollo suggests that Dzh'onn came to kill him, and attempts to negotiate with Apollo. However came to the rescue
Martian Manhunter (Volume 2) 0-36 series + Annuals + #1000000
Real Name Martian Manhunter - Dzh'onn Dzh'onzz. Dzh'onn is the last Martian accidentally stranded on Earth, where thanks to its ability to take on the appearance of a humanoid creature greenskin wearing a long blue cloak. Also quite often took human form, masquerading as detective John Jones and other random individuals. Martian Manhunter is a
Martian Manhunter (Volume 1) 1-4 series
Dzh'onn Dzh'onzz, Martian Manhunter - perhaps one of the most powerful members of the Justice League. But few know what tests have fallen to his lot. And now the last of the Martian civilization, the only surviving son of Mars back to their home planet, which has become barren, to come to terms with what will not return. But is there lifeless as
The Books Of Magic (Volume 1) 1-4 series
Crossover with the main character a series of "Books of Magic." Tim finds a strange medallion that seems to say to him. He is wanted by Constantine, to consult, but does not know that someone is watching them and soon they will have a little trip. In hell.
Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen (1-163 series) Complete
Jimmy Olsen is investigating the mystery surrounding the new enemy of Superman, Atlanta. But the mystery of the past are titanium Olsen across the country to a person under the codename of the Assassin. Dokapyvayas the truth, Jimmy is in the Midwest and the heroes, long presumed dead ...
Amazing World of DC Comics (1-17 series) Complete
17 issues pages | 482.2 мb.

Tags: Amazing World of DC Comics Amazing World DC Comics
Full collection comics Amazing World of DC Comics (1-17 series)
Detective Comics #25
Unknown Gotemsky Ripper performs a series of gruesome murders in Batman. The Dark Knight on the trail to find out who started with him this deadly game of cat and mouse.
Swamp Thing Annual #2
37 pages | 60.2 мb.

Tags: Swamp Thing Annual DC comics 2013
Many years ago when Alec Holland met with Anton Arcane, and this meeting has created consternation, whose name Rotworld! This addition to the tale of monsters and madmen is considered one of the greatest rivalries in the universe of DC!
Action Comics Annual #2
21 pages | 54 мb.

Secrets of the missing five years, when Clark Kent came to Metropolis and to this day continues to be a mystery! The attack Brainiac on Metropolis, Superman is faced with his first enemy: Kryptonite Man!
Birds of Prey #24
One is wanted for a murder she did not commit. The other - on the run because she knows too much. They Dinah Laurel Lance and Eve Crawford - Black Canary and Starling. And together they - secret team of Gotham City to fight villains. But now, they have attracted the attention of a reporter who wants to expose them, and another team that wants to
Injustice - Gods Among Us (1-36 series)
Man of Steel at a happy moment in his life - he has some good news to share with Batman. But tragic time is not far off, as one of the most deadly enemies of Batman in Metropolis for a surprise visit!
Legends of the Dark Knight collection (1-69 comics)
69 issues pages | 960.7 мb.

Tags: Legends Dark Knight DC comics new Dark Knight collection Legends
"Digital First" series, featuring various creators and continuity of their take on Batman. To print a collection of this series, see. Legends of the Dark
Batman and Robin collection (0-23.4 series)
28 issues pages | 611.9 мb.

Tags: Batman and Robin Batman Robin DC comics 2012 collection
"New 52" Batman and Robin Volume (Volume 2) with Bruce Wayne and Damian as the father / son dynamic duo, written by Peter Tomasi and drawn by Patrick Gleason. After the death of Damian Wayne in the pages of Batman, Incorporated, for five months (# 19-23) name was rotating cast of supporting characters, changing volume names for each question with
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