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Birds of Prey #24
One is wanted for a murder she did not commit. The other - on the run because she knows too much. They Dinah Laurel Lance and Eve Crawford - Black Canary and Starling. And together they - secret team of Gotham City to fight villains. But now, they have attracted the attention of a reporter who wants to expose them, and another team that wants to
Injustice - Gods Among Us (1-36 series)
Man of Steel at a happy moment in his life - he has some good news to share with Batman. But tragic time is not far off, as one of the most deadly enemies of Batman in Metropolis for a surprise visit!
Legends of the Dark Knight collection (1-69 comics)
69 issues pages | 960.7 мb.

Tags: Legends Dark Knight DC comics new Dark Knight collection Legends
"Digital First" series, featuring various creators and continuity of their take on Batman. To print a collection of this series, see. Legends of the Dark
Batman and Robin collection (0-23.4 series)
28 issues pages | 611.9 мb.

Tags: Batman and Robin Batman Robin DC comics 2012 collection
"New 52" Batman and Robin Volume (Volume 2) with Bruce Wayne and Damian as the father / son dynamic duo, written by Peter Tomasi and drawn by Patrick Gleason. After the death of Damian Wayne in the pages of Batman, Incorporated, for five months (# 19-23) name was rotating cast of supporting characters, changing volume names for each question with
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