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DC comics week (07.10.2020. week 41)
9 issues pages | 684.5 мb.

Tags: DC comics week DC comics DC 0-Day Releases Releases
Collection DC Comics for 07.10.2020 (41 week). The collection includes such comics: 1. MAD.Magazine.016 2. Young.Justice.019 3. The.Dreaming.Waking.Hours.003 4. 5. Legend.of.the.Swamp.Thing.Halloween.Spectacular.001 6. Far.Sector.008 7. 8. Batman.Allies.Alfred.Pennyworth 9.
Far Sector #8
25 pages | 32.6 мb.

Tags: Far Sector DC DC comics
Batman Vol.3 #100
50 pages | 64.1 мb.

Tags: Batman DC DC comics
DC comics week (30.09.2020. week 40)
13 issues pages | 534.4 мb.

Tags: DC comics week DC comics DC 0-Day Releases Releases
Collection DC Comics for 30.09.2020 (40 week). The collection includes such comics: 1. Superman.Man.of.Tomorrow.016 2. Wonder.Woman.1984.001 3. Wonder.Woman.763 4. Red.Hood.Outlaw.049 5. Legion.of.Superheroes.09 6. Justice.League.Annual.002 7. John.Constantine.Hellblazer.010 8. Injustice.Year.Zero.007 9. Harley.Quinn.the.Birds.of.Prey.003 10.
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