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Justice League of America Vol.1 - World's Most Dangerous
Green Lantern! Green Arrow! Catwoman! Katana! Vibe! Hawkman! Stargirl! They aren't the world's greatest Super Heroes-they're the most dangerous! But why does a team like the JLA need to exist? What is their ultimate mission? And who is pulling the strings? Find out in this collection of the first five issues of the new series as the team takes on
Injustice - Gods Among Us - Year Five #06
Batman takes on Bane on the grounds of Wayne Manor, while Batgirl attempts to rescue Catwoman.
Catwoman #48
As Eiko abandons the role of Catwoman, Selina’s list of friends is growing perilously short. And when one of the Calabreses is in danger, she must decide what to save: her family or Gotham City! Will her closest ally become her greatest nemesis in this shocking conclusion?

Catwoman #48 (2016)

Publisher: DC
Injustice - Gods Among Us - Year Five #04
Disagreements break out in the Regime about the use of villains for enforcement. Meanwhile, Bane and Killer Frost hunt down Catwoman.
Catwoman Vol.4 - The One You Love
In the aftermath a gang war that ravaged Gotham City, Catwoman must make a deal with Hush to protect the East End. But to keep the streets safe, she’ll have to join forces with a group of super-villains—and take them down from within. Collects CATWOMAN #38-49.
Catwoman Vol.3 - Under Pressure
In these tales from CATWOMAN #25-37, gangwar leads to a kidnapping that affects one of Selina's friends - but when she tries to trace the kidnappers, she ends up fighting the Penguin and a ruthless, cybernetically enhanced Mafia enforcer known as Zeiss.
I, Vampire Vol.2 - Rise of the Vampires
In this second New 52 collection, Andrew Bennett finds himself in a place he never thought he'd reach during his countless decades walking the Earth. But his absence on Earth signals a deadly loss of order in the vampire hierarchy, as the savage attack on humanity he's long feared looks like it's coming to pass. Plus, the vampire pilgrimage
Catwoman Vol.2 - No Easy Way Down
In this new volume collecting CATWOMAN #10-24 and CATWOMAN SECRET FILES #1, The Black Mask, longtime foe of Batman, has his sights set on Gotham City's East End to house his drug trafficking empire. When Selina Kyle discovers the Black Mask's intentions, she declares war against his operation. Don't miss the noir-style tales written by Ed Brubaker!
Catwoman Vol.1 - Trail of the Catwoman
Don't miss this new collection of CATWOMAN: SELINA'S BIG SCORE, plus stories from DETECTIVE COMICS #759-762 and CATWOMAN #1-9, featuring the work of Ed Brubaker, Darwyn Cooke and more!
Batman - The Dark Knight Vol.3 - Mad
In this new collection of issues #16-21 and BATMAN: THE DARK KNIGHT ANNUAL #1, Batman discovers a trail of bodies but no leads. His detective skills are put to the test as the Mad Hatter begins kidnapping Gotham City citizens for an unknown purpose. But as The Dark Knight delves deeper into this mystery, he soon realizes that this is unlike any
Legends of the World's Finest (TPB)
In this haunting painted tale of redemption and damnation, Batman and Superman must overcome destructive nightmares of each other's pasts as they battle against a pair of demonic villains. Plagued by visions of his parents' murders at the hands of a lone gunman, the Man of Steel becomes a vicious force for justice. At the same time, the Dark
Catwoman #47
As Eiko abandons the role of Catwoman, Selina’s list of friends is growing perilously short. And when one of the Calabreses is in danger, she must decide what to save: her family or Gotham City! Will her closest ally become her greatest nemesis in this shocking conclusion?

Catwoman #47 (2016)

Publisher: DC
The Joker - A Celebration of 75 Years
It's the best of the Clown Prince of Crime in this new title featuring stories from BATMAN #1, 5, 25, 32, 85, 163, 251, 427, BATMAN #15 (THE NEW 52), DETECTIVE COMICS #64, 168, 180, 475, 476, 726, 741, 826, DETECTIVE COMICS #1 (THE NEW 52), WORLD'S FINEST COMICS #61, SUPERMAN #9 and BATMAN: LEGENDS OF THE DARK KNIGHT #66.
Superman - The Black Ring
When Lex Luthor finally regained control of LexCorp, he thought he had everything he wanted. But in BLACKEST NIGHT, he briefly became an Orange Lantern and got a taste of true power. Now he'll do anything to get that power back. Buckle in for a greatest hits tour of the DCU's most wanted – including an appearance by The Sandman's big sister,
All Star Batman and Robin, The Boy Wonder Vol.1
One of the most talked-about Batman stories ever — conceived by modern master Frank Miller (BATMAN: YEAR ONE, THE DARK KNIGHT RETURNS) and artists extraordinaire Jim Lee and Scott Williams (BATMAN, SUPERMAN) — is collected in hardcover for the first time! Lee and Miller join forces to tell a new version of Dick Grayson's origin in a
Catwoman #46
As Eiko abandons the role of Catwoman, Selina’s list of friends is growing perilously short. And when one of the Calabreses is in danger, she must decide what to save: her family or Gotham City! Will her closest ally become her greatest nemesis in this shocking conclusion?

Catwoman #46 (2015)

Publisher: DC
Batman - Battle For the Cowl #01-03 Complete
"Batman: R.I.P." and FINAL CRISIS saw the end of Batman. Now, months following the disappearance of her protector, Gotham City sits at a precipice and it may be too far gone for Nightwing, Robin, Commissioner Gordon and the rest of the city's heroes to save the day. Amid the fires, rioting, looting and gang warfare, one question rings out from the
Catwoman #45
24 pages | 27.4 мb.

Tags: Catwoman Catwoman comics new Catwoman
She loves the night. She likes shiny trinkets. She seduces Batman. Most of all, Catwoman beckons danger. And she can not help it ...

Catwoman #45 (2015)

Publisher: DC
Catwoman #44
25 pages | 28.1 мb.

Tags: Catwoman Catwoman comics new Catwoman
She loves the night. She likes shiny trinkets. She seduces Batman. Most of all, Catwoman beckons danger. And she can not help it ...

Catwoman #44 (2015)

Publisher: DC
Injustice - Gods Among Us - Year Four #18
His warnings were ignored, and now he takes matters into his own hands, Zeus returns to lay down the law and declaring that it would not sit well with the world.
Injustice - Gods Among Us - Year Four #17
His warnings were ignored, and now he takes matters into his own hands, Zeus returns to lay down the law and declaring that it would not sit well with the world.
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