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Palmiotti and Brady's The Big Con Job #04
While Blaze, poaching, Colin, and Hendrix argue rob Con worth the risk, we meet two new disgruntled former stars. Madeleine "Maddie" Cannon shares her trailer on the set with a dog awful sci-fi film, and Johnny Lee Lao-Zhing from the TV series Wind Lotus-sitting as a consultant for a remake while beauty actor Billy Benton white-washes his film.
Palmiotti and Brady's The Big Con Job #03
While Blaze, poaching, Colin, and Hendrix argue rob Con worth the risk, we meet two new disgruntled former stars. Madeleine "Maddie" Cannon shares her trailer on the set with a dog awful sci-fi film, and Johnny Lee Lao-Zhing from the TV series Wind Lotus-sitting as a consultant for a remake while beauty actor Billy Benton white-washes his film.
Palmiotti and Brady's The Big Con Job #02
While Blaze, poaching, Colin, and Hendrix argue rob Con worth the risk, we meet two new disgruntled former stars. Madeleine "Maddie" Cannon shares her trailer on the set with a dog awful sci-fi film, and Johnny Lee Lao-Zhing from the TV series Wind Lotus-sitting as a consultant for a remake while beauty actor Billy Benton white-washes his film.
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