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Abyss - Family Issues (1-4 series) Complete
Abyss - mutant unique winner (even by the standards of mutants) abilities, born on Genosha. A brother of the Night's Nightcrawler, since both mutant offspring of the mighty neafima (neyaphem) - Azazel. One of the few characters who originally appeared in an alternate universe «Age of Apocalypse» / ​​Earth-295, and then smoothly "migrated" to
Abyss (1-4 series) Complete
4 issues pages | 64.5 мb.

Tags: Abyss Abyss comics Red 5 Comics Nightcrawler
Abyss - mutant unique winner (even by the standards of mutants) abilities, born on Genosha. A brother of the Night's Nightcrawler, since both mutant offspring of the mighty neafima (neyaphem) - Azazel. One of the few characters who originally appeared in an alternate universe «Age of Apocalypse» / ​​Earth-295, and then smoothly "migrated" to
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