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DC week - The New 52 (18.02.2015, week 07)
Collection DC Comics for 18.02.2015 (07 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Batgirl #39 2. Batman And Robin #39 3. Batman Eternal #46 4. Batman Superman #19 5. Batwoman #39 6. Earth 2 World's End #20 7. Green Lantern New Guardians #39 8. Justice League #39 9. Multiversity Mastermen #1 10. New 52 Futures End #42 11. Red Hood And The
DC week - The New 52 (11.02.2015, week 06)
Collection DC Comics for 11.02.2015 (06 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Batman Eternal #45 2. Constantine #22 3. Earth 2 Worlds End #19 4. Green Lantern Corps Vol 3 #39 5. Harley Quinn Valentines Day Special #01 6. Justice League 3000 #14 7. Justice League United #09 8. Klarion #05 9. New 52 Futures End #41 10. New Suicide Squad
DC week - The New 52 (04.02.2015, week 05)
Collection DC Comics for 04.02.2015 (05 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Action Comics #39 2. Batman '66 #19 3. Batman Eternal #44 4. Detective Comics #39 5. Earth 2 #31 6. Earth 2 World's End #18 7. Grayson #7 8. Green Arrow #39 9. Green Lantern #39 10. Lobo #5 11. Looney Tunes #223 12. New 52 Futures End #40 13. Superman #38 14.
DC week - The New 52 (28.01.2014, week 04)
Collection DC Comics for 28.01.2014 (04 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Arkham Manor #4 2. Batman #38 3. Batman Eternal #43 4. Catwoman #38 5. Deathstroke #4 6. Earth 2 World's End #17 7. Flash #38 8. Gotham Academy #4 9. Gotham By Midnight #3 10. Harley Quinn #14 11. He-Man The Eternity War #2 12. Infinity Man And The Forever
DC week - The New 52 (21.01.2014, week 03)
Collection DC Comics for 21.01.2014 (03 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Batman And Robin #38 2. Batman Eternal #42 3. Batman Superman #18 4. Batwoman #38 5. Earth 2 World's End #16 6. Green Lantern New Guardians #38 7. Justice League #38 8. New 52 Futures End #38 9. Red Hood And The Outlaws #38 10. Supergirl #38 11. Teen Titans #6
DC week - The New 52 (14.01.2014, week 02)
Collection DC Comics for 14.01.2014 (02 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Batgirl #38 2. Batman Eternal #41 3. Constantine #21 4. Earth 2 World's End #15 5. Grayson #6 6. Green Lantern #38 7. Justice League United #8 8. Klarion #4 9. New 52 Futures End #37 10. New Suicide Squad #6 11. Scooby-Doo Where Are You #53 12. Superman Wonder
DC week - The New 52 (07.01.2014, week 01)
Collection DC Comics for 07.01.2014 (01 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Action Comics #38 2. Aquaman And The Others #9 3. Batman Eternal #40 4. Detective Comics #38 5. Earth 2 #30 6. Earth 2 World's End #14 7. Green Arrow #38 8. Green Lantern #38 9. Justice League 3000 #13 10. Lobo #4 11. New 52 Futures End #36 12. Swamp Thing #38
DC week - The New 52 (24.12.2014, week 51)
Collection DC Comics for 24.12.2014 (51 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Aquaman #37 2. Arkham Manor #3 3. Batman Annual #3 4. Batman Eternal #38 5. Catwoman Annual #2 6. Deathstroke #3 7. Earth 2 World's End #12 8. Flash #37 9. Gotham By Midnight #2 10. Grayson Annual #1 11. Green Lantern Annual #3 12. Harley Quinn #13 13. He-Man
DC week - The New 52 (17.12.2014, week 50)
Collection DC Comics for 17.12.2014 (50 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Batman #37 2. Batman And Robin #37 3. Batman Eternal #37 4. Batman Superman #17 5. Batwoman #37 6. Catwoman #37 7. Earth 2 World's End #11 8. Green Lantern New Guardians #37 9. Justice League #37 10. Multiversity Thunderworld #1 11. New 52 Futures End #33 12.
DC week - The New 52 (10.12.2014, week 49)
Collection DC Comics for 10.12.2014 (49 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Batgirl #37 2. Batman Eternal #36 3. Constantine #20 4. Earth 2 World's End #10 5. Green Lantern Corps #37 6. Harley Quinn Holiday Special #1 7. Justice League United #7 8. Klarion #3 9. New 52 Futures End #32 10. New Suicide Squad #5 11. Scooby-Doo Where Are
DC week - The New 52 (03.12.2014, week 48)
Collection DC Comics for 03.12.2014 (48 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Action Comics #37 2. Batman Eternal #35 3. Detective Comics #37 4. Earth 2 #29 5. Earth 2 World's End #9 6. Gotham Academy #3 7. Grayson #5 8. Green Arrow #37 9. Green Lantern #37 0. Justice League 3000 #12 1. Lobo #3 2. Looney Tunes #222 3. New 52 Futures End
DC week - The New 52 (26.11.2014, week 47)
Collection DC Comics for 26.11.2014 (47 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Aquaman #36 2. Arkham Manor #2 3. Batman Eternal #34 4. Catwoman #36 5. Deathstroke #2 6. Earth 2 World's End #8 7. Flash #36 8. Gotham By Midnight #1 9. He-Man And The Masters Of The Universe #19 10. I nfinity Man And The Forever People #5 11.Justice League
DC week - The New 52 (19.11.2014, week 46)
Collection DC Comics for 19.11.2014 (46 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Batman '66 The Lost Episode #1 2. Batman And Robin #36 3. Batman Eternal #33 4. Batman Superman #16 5. Batwoman #36 6. Earth 2 World's End #7 7. Green Lantern New Guardians #36 8. Harley Quinn #12 9. Injustice Gods Among Us Year Three #8 10. Justice League #36
DC week - The New 52 (12.11.2014, week 45)
Collection DC Comics for 12.11.2014 (45 weeks). The collection includes such comics:
DC week - The New 52 (05.11.2014, week 44)
Collection DC Comics for 05.11.2014 (44 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Action Comics #36 2. Aquaman And The Others #7 3. Batman Essentials Batman Year One Special Edition #1 4. Batman Eternal #31 5. Detective Comics #36 6. Earth 2 #28 7. Earth 2 World's End #5 8. Gotham Academy #2 9. Grayson #4 10. Green Arrow #36 11. Green
DC week - The New 52 (29.10.2014, week 43)
Collection DC Comics for 29.10.2014 (43 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Batman Eternal #30 2. Earth 2 World's End #4 3. Harley Quinn Annual #1 4. Justice League Dark Annual #2 5. Justice League United Annual #1 6. New 52 Futures End #26 7. Sinestro #6 8. Swamp Thing Annual #3
DC week - The New 52 (22.10.2014, week 42)
Collection DC Comics for 22.10.2014 (42 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Aquaman #35 2. Arkham Manor #1 3. Batman Eternal #29 4. Catwoman #35 5. Constantine Special Edition #1 6. Deathstroke #1 7. Earth 2 World's End #3 8. Flash #35 9. Harley Quinn #11 10. He-Man And The Masters Of The Universe #18 11. Infinity Man And The Forever
Collection DC - The New 52 (15.10.2014, week 41)
15 issues pages | 504.6 мb.

Tags: Collection DC The New 52 DC comics 0-Day Releases new dc comics
Collection DC Comics for 15.10.2014 (41 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Batman And Robin #35 2. Batman Eternal #28 3. Batman Superman #15 4. Batwoman #35 5. Green Lantern New Guardians #35 6. Injustice - Gods Among Us - Year Three #3 7. Justice League #35 8. Line of Defense #5 9. New 52 Futures End #24 0. Red Hood And The Outlaws
Collection DC - The New 52 (08.10.2014, week 40)
16 issues pages | 728.2 мb.

Tags: Collection DC The New 52 DC comics 0-Day Releases new dc comics
Collection DC Comics for 08.10.2014 (40 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Batgirl #35 2. Batman #35 3. Batman Eternal #27 4. Constantine #18 5. Earth 2 #27 6. Earth 2 World's End #1 7. Green Arrow Year One Special Edition #1 8. Green Lantern Corps #35 9. Justice League United #5 10. Klarion #1 11. Line of Defense 3000AD #4 12. New 52
Collection DC - The New 52 (01.10.2014, week 39)
21 issues pages | 905.1 мb.

Tags: Collection DC The New 52 DC comics 0-Day Releases new dc comics
Collection DC Comics for 01.10.2014 (39 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Action Comics #35 2. Aquaman And The Others #6 3. Batman – Legends of the Dark Knight Halloween Special Edition #1 4. Batman Eternal #26 5. Batman Superman #14 6. Detective Comics #35 7. Gotham Academy #1 8. Grayson #3 9. Green Arrow #35 10. Green Lantern #35
Collection DC - The New 52 (24.09.2014, week 38)
14 issues pages | 605.9 мb.

Tags: Collection DC The New 52 DC comics 0-Day Releases new dc comics
Collection DC Comics for 24.09.2014 (38 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Aquaman And The Others Futures End #01 2. Batman Eternal #025 3. Booster Gold Futures End #01 4. Catwoman Futures End #01 5. Flash Futures End #01 6. Harley Quinn Futures End #01 7. He-Man And The Masters Of The Universe Vol 2 #017 8. Justice League Dark
Collection DC - The New 52 (17.09.2014, week 37)
15 issues pages | 642.3 мb.

Tags: Collection DC The New 52 DC comics 0-Day Releases new dc comics
Collection DC Comics for 17.09.2014 (37 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Batman And Robin Futures End #1 2. Batman Eternal #24 3. Batman Superman Futures End #1 4. Batwoman Futures End #1 5. DC Essentials- Batman - The Killing Joke #1 6. Gotham Central Special Edition #1 7. Green Lantern New Guardians Futures End #1 8. Justice
Collection DC - The New 52 (10.09.2014, week 36)
13 issues pages | 539.7 мb.

Tags: Collection DC The New 52 DC comics 0-Day Releases new dc comics
Collection DC Comics for 10.09.2014 (36 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Batgirl Futures End #1 2. Batman Eternal #23 3. Batman Futures End #1 4. Birds Of Prey Futures End #1 5. Constantine Futures End #1 6. Green Lantern Corps Futures End #1 7. Justice League United Futures End #1 8. New 52 Futures End #19 9. New Suicide Squad
Collection DC - The New 52 (03.09.2014, week 35)
15 issues pages | 636.8 мb.

Tags: Collection DC The New 52 DC comics 0-Day Releases new dc comics
Collection DC Comics for 03.09.2014 (35 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Action Comics Futures End #1 2. Batman '66 #34 3. Batman Eternal #22 4. Batwing Futures End #1 5. Detective Comics Futures End #1 6. Earth 2 Futures End #1 7. Green Arrow Futures End #1 8. Green Lantern Futures End #1 9. Justice League #33 10. New 52 Futures
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