New comics
Donald Duck Adventures (Volume 3) 1-21 series
vWalt Disney's Donald Duck Adventures - comics publisher Gemstone Publishing about the adventures of Donald Duck and his family, with the heads of В«Mickey Mouse AdventuresВ». Each issue contains 128 pages. From 2003 to 2006 he released 21 issues
Donald Duck Adventures (Volume 2) 1-38 series
Exciting adventures of Donald Duck, Scrooge McDuck, nephews and many others.
Donald Duck Adventures (Volume 1) 1-48 series
Gladstone Publishing comics publishers about the adventures of Donald Duck and his relatives. Comic book contains original material and reprints old strips [n] В«Donald DuckВ» of the 1930s and 1940s and 1980s strips from the publisher King Features Syndicate. From 1987 to 1998 he published 48 issues. From 1990 to 1993 there was a break (after the
The Haunt of Fear (1-28 series) Complete
28 issues pages | 508.8 мb.

Tags: The Haunt of Fear Haunt of Fear Ec comics
Continue to publish on our site releases of classic American comics 40-50-ies of the last century. "The Haunt of Fear" is included in the galaxy of those legendary comic books, which applies to "Tales from the Crypt." After so many years now, these published world issues already considered public domain, I mean the public domain. Thanks to what we
Tales from the Crypt (17-46 series) Complete
27 issues pages | 480.5 мb.

Tags: Tales from the Crypt Tales from the Crypt Ec comics
At the heart of the comic book are different from each other stories, but united by one theme - people who do tend to "bad" and "bad" behavior and, as a result of these actions, pay for their commission.
Batman Black and White (1-4 series) Complete
4 issues pages | 57.9 мb.

Tags: Batman Black and White Batman Black and White
The idea of ​​creating a black and white comic book Batman was first implemented in 1996. Then from 4 issue miniseries received numerous accolades, in consequence of giving rise to many reprints. iHonu from our website believes that the original «Black and White» - the best Batman comics, and no arguments it has not persuaded.
Marvel Previews #15
110 pages | 101.6 мb.

Tags: Marvel Previews Previews December
Each issue of Marvel Previews is a comic book-sized, 120-page full-color guide and preview to all of Marvel's upcoming releases - it's your # 1 source for advanced information on Marvel Comics! It's October issue has elements planned in order to ship in December 2013 and beyond.
Powers - The Bureau #08
From the bestselling writer's all-new X-MEN and Ultimate Spider-Man comes another explosive chapter Eisner Award-winning police and-capes epic! Walker and Dean go to Hollywood, where the most elite forces come together as Seven! Also one of them was brutally murdered - and no one speaks. Plus: Walker does not intend to use their newly found
Air Raiders #01-05 Complete
5 issues pages | 80.7 мb.

Tags: Air Raiders Howard Mackie Jim Sinclair Kelley Jones
The planet Airlandia, the air is more valuable than gold, and that Air Raiders beat the evil ruler and his tyrants Aerozar wind.
Agents of Atlas Vol.2 #00-11 HD Complete
After Agents Atlas mini-series, the team got it's own ongoing series. This volume lasted 11 issues after witch she continued to Minis-series called X-Men/Agents Atlas and back-stories in Incredible Hercules during an attack on the Olympus story arc, and Thunder # 139-140, which together will last topics of the series. Then another mini-series was
Agents of Atlas Vol.1 #01-06 Complete
6-part mini-series written by Jeff Parker and illustrated by Leonard Kirk, and Kris Justice, following the adventures of seven heroes of the 1950s - Namora, Venus, Marvel Boy / Uranus, Gorilla-Man, Human Robot, and Jimmy Woo - now brought time to once again be the team to form Atlas agents. The series was successful and then initiated a series of
Age of X Alpha
Last mutant war starts here. If you do not know which side you're on, check your DNA.
Age of X - Universe #01-02 Complete
Marvel is pleased to present your first look at the era of X: Universe в„– 1 (2), with fan favorite writer Simon Spurrier and superstar artist Khoi Pham! Discover the shocking foundations of the critically acclaimed and sold out Age Of X event! As the last remnants of the mutants was able to escape the clutches of the dreaded extermination unit
Age of Heroes #01-04 Complete
Eisner winner and fan-favorite Kurt Bizek returns to Marvel! Heroic era HERE! Heroes are restored to their rightful place in this new era, and the world is safer for them. They defeated Osborn & his siege of Asgard, now they have one last foe to face: the Mayor of New York - JJ Jameson! Also, MI13 come to the U.S., but one of them is not leaving -
Age of Apocalypse - The Chosen
A special one-shot Marvel produced. He had to prep all of the Age of Apocalypse storyline. It was about the Apocalypse is not ruling nor Professer Xavier around. It was the story of 3 pages and contact window with the specified file Apocalypse of players in this alternate reality title.
Adventures on the Planet of the Apes #01-11 Complete
From the hit-movie, the Planet of the Apes comes Marvel's Adventures on the Planet of the Apes!


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