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Cable and X-Force #19
"Vendetta" PART I Classic X-Force villain Stryfe is back! And he seeks to exact revenge on the man who left him broken and adrift in the timestream: CABLE . How to Plan Strife comes to bear , Hope brought face to face with the bishop , the man who crusaded through the centuries in a mission to destroy her . But this time , it is ready to retaliate
Collection Marvel (22.01.2014, week 3)
18 issues pages | 715.5 мb.

Tags: Collection Marvel 15.01.2014 week 3 Spider-Man Avengers
Collection Marvel Comics for 22.01.2014 (3 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. All-New Invaders #1 2. All-New X-Factor #2 3. All-New X-Men #22 4. Avengers #25 5. Avengers World #2 6. Black Widow #2 7. Captain America #15 8. Cataclysm Ultimate X-Men #3 9. FF #16 10. George Romero's Empire Of The Dead Act One #1 11. Hawkeye #16 12.
Peanuts #15
Irritability Lucy finally put to the test! When it comes to winning this year's Miss Crabby Pageant, Lucy struggles. But with competition as Molley volleyball Crybaby Boobie, can Lucy from annoying your way to shiny trophy winner? Enjoy "Miss Crabby Pageant" and many others Peanuts adventure in this latest edition, full of heart and fun galore!
Bravest Warriors #16
Things are never easy for brave warriors, this is probably what makes them so gosh darn cute. The issue is not just another "they will, will not they" between Beth and Chris (Answer: socks), this is another mission where brave warriors will bring their unique personalities together to overcome all obstacles in their way!
Superior Spider-Man Team-Up #9
Like all so wrong, and how it is the fault of the Supreme Spider-Man? Everyone in New York is going to die at the hands of new teammates Spider-Man, he's sinister six. With Great Arrogance must come great consequences.
Indestructible Hulk #18
"THE HUMANITY BOMB" PRELUDE! Earth Scientists watch Bruce Banner to solve the problem of the Hulk can not break! Which Banner assistants make it out alive - and the same?
Cataclysm - Ultimate Comics X-Men #3
Mutants have just survived the war together nearly destroyed both sides! As Halaktusom threatens to eat the world, the secret weapon is put in place to stop it. But will it be the thing that finally wipes all mutant kind of existence?
My Little Pony – Friends Forever #1
Things are getting a positive book in Ponyville! When a magical bookworm starts to cause some literary evil, it's just a matter of time before things start to get out of the hoof! It's up to our pony set things right ... but they want when there Daring Do?
Grimm Fairy Tales #93
25 pages | 27.5 мb.

Tags: Grimm Fairy Tales Sela Joe Brusha
Countdown begins to 100! Village faced many challenges in his time as guardian of the earth, but no one had prepared her for the upcoming trial, the Dark Horde has in store for her.
Transformers - Robots In Disguise #25
STARSCREAM under fire! The all-new, all redesigned, all-leader-of-the-planet STARSCREAM makes his move! Will he stand up for Cybertron or fall under the onslaught Shockwave website? Meanwhile, light-Lost gets a call from a desperate help from an old friend!
Collection DC - The New 52 (22.01.2014, week 3)
13 issues pages | 575.1 мb.

Tags: Collection DC The New 52 Animal Man Batman Wonder Woman
Collection DC Comics for 22.01.2014 (3 weeks). The collection includes such comics: 1. Animal Man #27 2. Batman #27 3. Batman '66 #7 4. Batman And Two-Face #27 5. Batwoman #27 6. Birds Of Prey #27 7. Green Lantern New Guardians #27 8. Harley Quinn #2 9. Justice League #27 10. Red Hood And The Outlaws #27 11. Supergirl #27 12. Trinity Of Sin
Deceivers #2
WHY WE LOVE IT : Everyone loves a good story of an outsider , and we will not be an exception. Make that twice in the classic Robin Hoodstyle ' steal from the rich , give to the poor "filaments , and when you couple that with Steven Grant ( 2 guns ) crackling dialogue and beautiful artwork from ? We could not resist ! Why you 'll love it :
Strange Nation #4
43 pages | 32.7 мb.

Tags: Strange Nation Jesse Merc Norma Park
Jesse vs Merc! Favorite septugenarian Universal squares off against each favorite Sasquatch in a vicious battle on the roof. Plus: Norma headed home, where she meets the mysterious and unexpected news tip.
Edison Rex #13
19 pages | 22.8 мb.

Tags: Edison Rex Eclipse II Edison Rex M'alizz Warren
Edison Rex has finally managed to convince everyone that he is a hero now, not the villain he used to be? And there is a new generation of heroes to take him as one of its?
All New Fathom #5
A new trend in the grasp of the universe begins! As Vana brings her attacks below the surface and to the rest of the Blue, Aspen must return to Muria with Cillian and unite in an effort to stem the tide of destruction, trying to discover the truth about what is Vana intentions. But which side is really on Cillian and his motives as real as they
Crossed - Badlands #45
26 pages | 43.6 мb.

Tags: Crossed - Badlands The Crossed Daniel Way
Deadpool writer Daniel WAY join the ranks of the damned with a new tale of suffering crossed in "Grave New World". In a story that spans the length of crossed infections naval captain and his loyal crew attempt to survive the monsters that have overtaken the world. But on board there is little joy , and the remaining crew to wonder if perhaps
Uber #9
26 pages | 46.2 мb.

Tags: Uber Caanan White Kieron Gillen
Pacific theater of war has changed dramatically with the deployment of Japanese super-soldiers . Their use of this new technology along their kamikaze strategy of terror beginning to turn the tides of power allies on the seas . Kieron Gillen join in the epic story of the evolution of the horror of World War II with the arms race is now focused on

Uber #9 (2014)

Publisher: Avatar
X-O Manowar #21
Vrezki in UNITY ! Chapter k goals Toyo Harada and silami ONLY ! XO Manowar nakonets Meet more СЌto and ego lyudi , nakonets , zemlyu ons Mughals pozvonity Domo ... but ugrozС‹ CO Hallows book.plz im waiting storon tepery ugrozhayut razrushity Arik and peace on borolsya , chtobС‹ obespechity . In its time how besporyadki meshaet and camping Arik


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